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�, . � . <br />� � -'- - � ' � � �' � <br />.. DON C. HULT <br />� REGISTERED l.AND SURVkYOR <br />F06tEST LAKE. MINNESOTA <br />�: ; . . Box 3�7� : • ' 7E S•3130 , <br />Description for Norm Horton - Lot 3 � • � <br />,. Tha� part of �ot 12 0� A. K.. Barnumt s Garden Lata�� according to tlie pla� thereof <br />` an fi�.e and o� :rec�rd 3n �he office of the �egiste� of Deeds in and f�r Ramsey . <br />'�owaty�� �iinnasota.y lyin� I�ortheasterly of tla� follawing d`escribed 13ne« <br />- Begi�ning at a'point onothe. S�utheasterl� line of �aid Lot 12,: said point on an <br />= ` �- a�sumed 'bearir�g of ` S�. 27'ti� distant :�.17 � 5£eet from the most Easterly c�. .,ner <br />'` ` `E of sa3d Lo�: .12; � thence N 22op�.'.23itW a, d3stance of 17�s07 feet;� thence N�:�4p�W <br />'�!a dis`�ance of �,34 fee�; more or less, to t h� shoreline o� Owasao Lake �::.: chere <br />�' ' ��'�ex��in.�, ar�d exceptin.g therefrom a sewer 1.9.ft station trac� in +L�F mos� East- . <br />�� erly c:orner descr�.bed. as fo�.l.ows: <br />k' , t.: `�ie�3:nr�.ng a� tha moat Easterly pc�in� o;� sa3.d Lot 12;; thence S Zl°2 i zW �. ;�ng the <br />, S�utheas�erly �1fne 4f s�id Lot 12 a distance of 60 feet; thence� at ��;�h�t ;�ngles <br />�� ` � tr� tba right a di�tance , of ' S0 feet; : thence at r3ght angles to the �.,.;�-:t a d3s- <br />i! . tance 'r�f b7.52 feet ta. the Northeaaterly � lin� of said Lot, 12;� thenc� � 30�OO�E <br />�a dis�ance of 50.5b faet to the� �►oint of begin� � <br />Said �rao� conf,ains 1.3 acres, more or less, not i�cluding the aewer 13.�t station <br />tr�.ct� a�d is �ub�ee�` to a; 20�foot street easement a].ong that p�ax�t of the South- <br />-��� '� ea�terly; lin�e.: not borderixig on tha aewe� lift a�ation p�opex�y. <br />,., <br />� . <br />� � � <br />,, �;� <br />�� . <br />g l�erebp certlfy tho►t thi� gurveq. plan, or repos� �` ' <br />w�� prep�red by rne or under my direcc s����t.t• <br />'•.. � �ieion and chat I am a dulv Rr�;is�rrrc� t.and <br />� Susvcyor under thc laws of ti,c Scacc ��c� ��+�r����• <br />, , soto. � ti. E'�,_,�., <br />, .�. • <br />Dste �. � ReQ. No.---� �'�-�- <br />, <br />. , <br />