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_ ' ' � <br />r� <br />►� <br />1. A variance in the parlcing requirements of the Code is requestied <br />to permit a 128 car lot. The developer of this property is long <br />e�peri.enced in liigh class retail furniture sales and believes this <br />amount to be adequate. Retail furniture sales of this kind do not <br />generate substantial traffic. <br />2. The fifty foot (50' ) Pylon sign is believed necessary for the proper <br />sho��ring of the property and a variance is requested for this Pylon <br />sign, the exact dim�nsions of which r��ill be furnished at the <br />Council hearing� <br />3. The fifteen foot {15') setback on the east side of the parking area <br />rnust be used as a drivewa� although no parking will be permitted <br />on the driveway. If this would not be permitted, the lot would be <br /> redtxced. <br />4. The northwest and southwest corners of the building will be <br />twenty-five feet (25' ) from the high�vay right of way line. This <br />di5tance would orclinarily be thirty feet (30') but because oi the loss <br />of additional space by z�e�ositianing of the building, it i.s believed <br />it�at the variance is not material. <br />