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� <br />� <br />C� <br />/�FFI�*�:�VIT O� PUBLICATION <br />E�arnsey Caur�fy Suburban ti f e <br />i�085 Dionne St., Rosevi#la, Minnesota <br />S4afe of Minne�sota � <br />County of Rar�sey� � SS. <br />FELIX ELICERIO, being duly sworn, on oath eays he is nnd during all the times herein stated <br />has been Che Generai Manager of the newspaper known as the Ramsey County Suburban Life and <br />has lLil knowledge ot the facts heretn stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is priated <br />in the En�lish language in newspap�r tormat and in column and sheet torm equivulent <br />in prtnted apace to at leask 900 square inches. (2) 5aid newspaper !s a wcekly and is distrib- <br />uted at least once each week. (3) Said newspaper has 50%Q ot its news columns devoted <br />tn news ot local 6nterest to the community which it purparts to serve and does not wholly <br />d'uplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and <br />advertisements. (!? Said newspaper Is circulated in and near the rr.unicfpality which it purports <br />to serve, has at leset 5R0 coples regularly delivered to paying aubscribers, has an average <br />of at least 7d°o of its total circuletion currentiy� paid or no more than three months in arrears <br />and has entry as second•class matter in tts locai post-office. (5) Said newspaper purports to <br />�erve the VtUage of Roseville in the County of Ramsey and it has its known office oP issue <br />in the Vlllage of Roseville in said �ounty, established and open during its regular business <br />hours for the gathering of netivs, sale oP advertieements and sale of aubscriptions and mainCained <br />by the managing afficer of said newspaper or persons in its empioy and aubjest to hls direction <br />and control during such regular busfness hours artd devoted exclusively duting such regular <br />buslness hours to the business ot the newspaper and business related th�reta. (8) Said news- <br />paper files a copy oi each issue imancdiately with the State FIistorical Soctety. (7) Said ne�vspaper <br />hns complied with all tha foregoing conditions for at lesst two years preceding the day or dates of <br />puLlication mentiar.ed below. (8) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretasy of State of Iliinflesota <br />prior !o January 1, 1986 and each Januery 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the <br />Secreta�y of State and signed by the managing officer oP said newspaper and sworn to before a <br />notary public stati��� that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. <br />He [urther statey on cath that the printea SAID NOTZCE <br />��• • . hcreto ettached as a part hereof was cut from the <br />�nlumns of said newspaper, and titi�as printed and published there:n in the Engiish language, <br />once each «�eek. [oa� 1 successive tiveeks; that it was first so published on Wednesday <br />the �.5. day oE Feb, �g 6? and was thereafter printed and pub(ished <br />on every Wednesday to and including the 1'5 da pf �eb. 6� <br />Y 19 . and <br />that the tollowln� is a printed copy of the tower case alphabeC from A to Z, both inclusive, and <br />is here ackno«�le@ged as being the size and kind of type used in the composiiion and publication <br />ot' Satd nottce, to w�t: N�� jCE OF HEtiR11�IG <br />abcdefghijklmnopqrst vwxyz <br />�� <br />, <br />� ✓ � <br />�� ✓ ti� <br />Felix Elice o enerai Manager <br />Subscribed and s��•crn to before me 'his <br />(Notarial Seal� <br />�� �.���' . <br />_ . .��,. ,, f; <br />day of ; , 19 �. � <br />, ; <br />.. "���,,,r' ,-r�"�.w r �, c. � .%-,�_G.J k �: --' �^; . .. - � , <br />_ . � ..r�--� -e _� -t..._ G.,.;GG„�- _. i <br />Notary pubtic, County, btinneeota <br />My Commission Explres , 19 . . <br />�-, _,.,., .. ., <br />„ �•n. <br />�� ' � ;11� <br />