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, <br />;7.��'i1�T�j r�r� ,�_:�1 i�i;!r'! <br />. �.xilibit �ubr�itte�; <br />2`an or ulat sho��r n� t�:e nro�ert� l�roz�osecl �o oe � ezoned as�d all l�:nds s3ith- <br />in 250 feet o�`' t'.-:� bo�zndries oi t:�e propert� p1•opo�eci lR.o �� rezoned. <br />C5 copies) � <br />Abs�ractorU certificate��C, t!':� nanes a.�_;3. adc�res,�es of the ot;ner�s of <br />ihe land �rit��:in 2�0 feet o- t? _:; co�,n3ries of tile pro��art r rec?ue ;ti_�g; t�e <br />Rzzoning a.s t.fose �:a:ae.� av;�ear on t:�e records �f the County '1u3�tor of �° <br />R.�nse�r i'iU1ZT1�'ij�• <br />rropoy�d plan �or usQ of rezo.led propert;,• (� copies) <br />Petition showin� 50;� of propert;� o�mers i�ithin 250 f'eet favorinb rezoning. <br />AcirnoT�ledpnent and �i�na�ure: The vndersi�;ned hereby repres�n�s upon all of the <br />� pe�alties os the la�•r, �or the purpose oi inducing the Vi.11age of � o�eville� to <br />ta�:e the action herei.n reoAt�.ested, t�iat a11 statements herein are t�ue and that a�Ll ._} <br />work herein me�tioned will be done in a.ccor�a.nce with the 0-rdinance of the +TiZ�.a�;e ,: <br />of r'tosevillQ, and the �.2•YlS o� �r.e State of T-�innesota. <br />D�te 9-4-69 <br />rust <br />tee <br />Signature <br />� <br />Ness Kline <br />�� / <br />