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� <br />y�� <br />, r . <br />7���� � � <br />l'liY'�0 '� . � . <br />�: Village Planning Co�rnission <br />,,;;: <br />I'R02�2: Public Works Directo�., <br />R�: Approval of Preliminary Ylat -]33�,ri.n J. I{uhne� Case No. 5�+9-69 <br />, ,, <br />The followin� is submitted for yrour coilside::�.tion o.i the above referr�nce�i plat. <br />SANITARY SL't�R <br />Sani �ary sewex is preseni;ly located. on thc cas � line of �he guestioned <br />property (see attached map). Sewer services will have to be constructeda Thi.s <br />property has not Ueen assessed for sewer and tirill have to pay additional charges '� <br />for both la�eral fron�;age and trunk area. <br />WATI�hAI�T <br />Z�latermain is present7.y located on ���oodlyn Avenue� but termina�es ��pproxi- 1 <br />mately 60 feet east of the subject pro��erty. Tnexc is also a watermain :Located. ``'' <br />on South Owasso 3oulevard, but this does not abut said property. Tlae ti�rater- <br />main would bave to be extended. from Woodlyn Avenue to Soutb Owasso Boulevard. <br />Tbe property has not been a.ssessed. for wai;ermain and additional charges <br />will have . to be paid. <br />s„� � s��� <br />e pr�lii�.�i����r pl�,� sl�ows a 1� �'oot drain�,gc �����r�� from �he cul�.e���e <br />to the proposed lagoon. The st;reet ;xades are ad,equate to handle the draina�e =� <br />and the run-off wi.11 flow to the la�aon. k stori:l scwer should be built �o take <br />this draina�e off of the str� ;:_ <br />STI�2EET <br />In� order to locate the proposed P�larion Street, a� sbown on the prelimi.- <br />nary plat� the Villa�e would have �o dedicai;e �, strip of property 60 feet Uy <br />�'365 feet long. T'nis would �;i�en provide acc�ss to tne platted lots 3� �•� 5 ana. 6. <br />The balance of the lots, 1 and 2, will receive a,ccess oif oi Woodiyn Avenue9 as <br />shown on the plat. Zt app`ars that the access �o Ir�t 2 at its north property <br />line is only about 15 i'ee� wide. lhis type of arzan�e�r�en� is very unorthodox. <br />I� is �iy understanding �ha-c P-;r, Iiuhne proposes to tracl.e some of his pro- <br />perty �o the Villa�e for the n�eded R�TrJ ior I��Iarion Strce�;. L: the Village re- <br />fuses this i•equest, the plat,as suorni.ited, trill not ha�re access. The question <br />o� the cost ol building �;he street, as wcll as utllities, is a serious one, be- <br />cause of �he poor soil conditions in sor.le areas. ide havc loolced at some soil <br />borings and re-call �bat the wa�ex �able is only r� couple oz' feet below the <br />existing ground line. Zd� have not m�,de any detail cost estimates o� the con- <br />struction costs at �his tir�e. <br />3dov, �+, 1969 <br />�,n p ctf;zll�� subriit;ted., <br />. � . � <br />� <br />�t�.�(, l v C <br />;ne�uan ;,. Goldb�r�,. P.E. <br />Publi� 'r7o���tis Dir�cLor <br />Villa�,e oi ,�s�:ville <br />