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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />� <br />? v <br />#1 <br />.� v <br />.. „ <br />The S. 32 acr�es of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4y <br />Section 4, Township 29, Range 23; �ubject to Cleveland Ai�en�e <br />ar�d subject to Count� ;Road C 2. <br />:; Appare�t record owners: Jennie T. Schulze, (lifeestate) , Alice T. <br />3: Lynskey, Dagmar S. Schulze, John �. Schulze, <br />�� Mary E, Schulze, Li�da L. Schulze, Frieda <br />i> <br />;; Schulze, Ruth Partridge, Warren E. S�hulze, <br />�' �'eldon C. Schulze, Louise A. Day and Thomas Day. <br />* � * <br />" T�e ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTETs COMPAI�T3� does hereby certify <br />:' th$t from an exarnination of the records in the ofiice of the Register <br />of Deed� and/ or Registrar of Tit ies , in and for the Cou nty of R,amsey <br />� and State o� hiinnesota, it appears that tl�e apparent owner or owner� <br />� o� the prop�rt�r within a radius of 250 ieet of the above property <br />�vhicl� is to be rezor�ed are as follows : <br />Lo�s 42 and 43, Rohlecler'� Oak Grove, RamSey County, Minnesota. <br />; Apparent re�cord owners: Clifford L. Wilcox, and June B, Wilcox, <br />husband and wife, (as joint tenants) . <br />� * * <br />,,. <br />Lot� 4�, 45, and 4S, Rohl�der's Oak Grove, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />t i.� <br />Apparent record owner. <br />(� ' Lots 47, 48, 49 and 52, <br />v <br />: Alton F. Bolin and Grace E. Bolin--- <br />(as joint tenants) . <br />� * � <br />Rohleder's Oak Gror�e, Ramsey County, �iinnesota. <br />Apparent r�cord ownQr: Dorcas <br />� <br />Lo� 51, Rohleder's Oa� Grove, <br />M. Rohled�r. <br />* <br />Ramsey County, <br />* <br />l�innesota . <br />App�rent record ow�ers: Arnol�d E. Klatt and Sybil K].�tt, husband and <br />wife and Fred Bruggemann a,nd Fern Bruggemann, <br />�iusband and wife, (as jo�nt tenants) . <br />* * � <br />The N. S acres of the SW� of the NW�, Sec . 4, T. 29, R. 23, <br />Subjec� �o Clev��,and Avenus. <br />Apparent record owners: �agmar S. Schulze, John B. Schulze, Mary E. <br />Schulze and Linda L. Schulze. <br />* � * <br />That part of T.� of NF�, Sec . 5, T. 29, R. 23, descr.ibed as follows: <br />Commencing at a point on the E, line of said Sec. 5, 1700 feet S. of <br />NE corner of said Sec. 5, thence W. �paxallel with the N. line of said <br />S�c. 5, a distance of 363 feet, thence N. �arallel with the T, line of <br />�aid Sec. a distanca of 360 feet, thence E, parallel with the N, line <br />of s�id �ec., a di��ance of 363 feet to a point in the E, line of saicl <br />Sec ., which point is 1340 feet S. of NT corner of said Sec ,, thence S. <br />along the E, line of said Sec., 360 fe�t to the point �f beginniRg. <br />`,�pparent record owners: Frieda Schulze, Ruth P�rtridge, Warren E. <br />Schulze, Weldon C. Schulze. <br />.* * * <br />�� That part ni the SF� of the NE�; of Sec . 5, T. 29, R. 23, described as <br />�� f�llows to-wit: Commencing at a point an th� �ast line of said Section <br />'' 5, distant 1700 feet South fr�m the Northeast corner of said Section 5, <br />Thence West parallel with the north line of said Sectinn 5, distance of <br />�' 363 ieet • thence South <br />, paxallel with the ea�st line of the sai�i Section, <br />;:' a distance of 120 feet; thence East parallel with the north line of said <br />� Sect�.on, a distance of 363 f�et to the east line of said Section, thence <br />; north alon,� the east line of said Section a distance of 120 feet to the <br />',; point of be��inning containing one acres more or less, acc. <br />Apparent record owner: Delton E. Warden <br />* * * <br />