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APPISCATIOAI OF' VA�IANCE: — Page 2 <br />. <br />. Etlact on Ne1 orhood Rnd Go7n reheneive Plarte t�'at'�tint� the variance wi�.l. not � <br />imp an a equa aupp o g an a �djacent property, unreasonably <br />increase the c�ongeetion in �he public stre�ta� inaresee the danger of fire, endanger <br />t�he pu�lic safet,Y� unreasorYably diminah or impair eot.s,bliehed property values in the <br />suProunding area, or in at�,y other wa�y jmpair healt,h� e4�ety� comfort, morals, or in <br />a�,V other reepeci be contrary to th� intent �f the Zos�ing Ordin�nce and the <br />Ccunprehensive Plan. <br />�%i� E�ZoPG�'�Ft� 1lQ•R 1AtVCG 1� CG�N�P�L�-�E GoMpATN�f3l..E.. w�k{ THE �t�SENT �(SE <br />OS�'r A�tr, pTHE4Z P��P�(Z�( 1N T4�� IMM��IAtE ARE�. , TH� PRc�PE4Z"rY 1S PR�SGN"�L`� <br />1',OEGjuA`�E 1N AREA. "Cc:� Ac-c..c���npaZ'� ��� ���sT�nC� Ftac��.�z1�S /�S �v��-�. AS <br />'"C1+os F PR v P o g� D Ar�� C�Rc� v� p E S A ���y A'T E s�T _�c � F�v � �--� T �- � ra E s Ta <br />GREA�TE 'S�'E C-GNO1T�otdS F�nN� F�RE, � OTI�E�. KAZAF��S <br />, 1T 1� p�aPERL�( <br />FEh►�G�4 �KO PRov�C�S �p��r�-c�- PARK �KG FAC��..�t�ES , <br />Map indicating contiguous praper�y usage �5 copies) <br />. c ow e gmen an gna ure: e un ersigne ere y represen e upon a o e <br />pen�lties of law, for the purpose of inducing the Village of Ros�ville� to take <br />the action herein reques�ed, t�hat all statements herein are true and that all work <br />her�in mentioned will be done in accordance with the ordinances of the of <br />Roseville� and the la�ra of the State of Minnesota. <br />Date �( j l(� 1�- . S atur � <br />