<br />Cas� i�uiub�er ��i-I80 Apri� 1, 19b4
<br />Petitiar�er: EZfz�beth Larson, 20�.� 4�est F1dr�dgA �ve.�u�
<br />Lo��tiaa; I�ortk��=.��est co:.-r.er oi idilder Stre�c �nc� �ldr�dge Av�enue
<br />Acti.an �tequested; I3ivisio;t v� er. �:cis��.n,s*, m�Ces 3nd bounds Iat -
<br />P2.ar►ntng l:anaider�ti�ns
<br />t1y � p�►rcel o.� le:.0 propr.:;?c� �o b� civid�d aa 75 �ec�: aF 4:rontage
<br />of �ii�de� 5txeet, •.a�,�� � c'��th of .-'_S!?.2E5 �h�t. Thus, the exi�[3.ng
<br />lot area� is 19,4�►5 square �eet. 'Fh� zequirem�nt €ar cc�rner �oLs '� �
<br />�S ��ZasJ�ii 8QESr^�t� ��Ei:. -
<br />t2�_': Yt �s pxopased to divide th� 2.oL exactly i� h�at£ which ��a�alc� prad�:c�
<br />r; , e a�rner Ia� of i5' X 129.6' or a land area a� 9,7'�:� �eet. �his
<br />^ �ou�ld, of cour�e, be suhs�nntially unrler Che xequ3 �e�nenr for cox•r.e�r
<br />��` .
<br />�atit. T�he n�w loti �:h�s c�eater� would have a�ie�rth af :�5 feet -
<br />�: , on 1:Lciridge Av,enue and � frontsge o� i�9 . d43 f�et .�h�.s is, of
<br />.; . cau�:sr�, an unu�ual. sha�pe far � Iot. The rninimuv d�p�h specified �`:�� ;
<br />in thc� �d�,n�nc� i� la0 £eet . '� �;
<br />i
<br />° ::�3� The Zo�� in thc� �r�m varyr frc�,n 75 feet �o lil fee�, These d�.wmens�ans "
<br />�..:
<br />�i� 8x� noted nn ehe st�er��a Qa7 �t�� Zats in th�e v��.cinity. You will
<br />t.� .
<br />�:, r�ot� that the 7ot di.recCl}� to th� no��h o� �i�e p�copesty in qnesCian "'
<br />�� ha� 8a fee� r�f frontage �ith � depth ofc 201 £eet. '1`haC lot has `°I
<br />�t, ` �?.,U$S sq�re f��st. You will: nate �oa that �he �ots ta th� �outh:
<br />�f r of $ldt'idge Av�e�c.tG �1��tv� a depth o� �23 EeQt. Most o� Ct�se lo�s ;
<br />� r' h�v� � w�idCt� of �5 fe�t prorlu�iag an srea Qt I6, 7ZS �E.��»� . ; r�
<br />�r ; � .t� _;
<br />w�� �
<br />�y ""t
<br />� (4�j The 20� ta th� wes� af th� praperty in qu�s�ivn is exa�tly Che ���
<br />� sa+nt� ar�s �s the r�tgl prop�rty u�►der cansid�ration, f.�. an � t
<br />�s n
<br />�� _are�: vt I.9,446 squ�re f�et. Thus, ��t would z�ppeax tt�aC Che prapert�
<br />���, in �+���tign is not grosA�;� �ou�. a� sc�.l� �aatth the land �r�8s already:' �
<br />��. _. . dev�loped �n Che erca. if the lo�s w�eze� �o b� aPProved �he re�uiting ��'`
<br />�r� r Y�t 'a��e� o� 9,723 square EeeC would h� subat�ntially unde� the' f.
<br />F� pxevai�.ing lat �r�a� �rcd �he villag� minim+$n9 v In �dd�tian, �he ='
<br />�;�
<br />���k d�p�h �ould be a��,y 7S fe�t which, �hough i� c�n be deuelopsd,: ;t
<br />.' ,: .;
<br />�:�, f� cer�a�.n1.y r�c�C �n �d�al develop�ne�n� situaCion.
<br />fi;y � : =
<br />`�` � ;
<br />�;; .^ ��j �,'h.e survey sc�'vnai�,Ced i.ndicat�s also C�aC the ex�s�ing l��e�u�� �a�u�d ;�;
<br />�,, 'a� located a d�s�anGe of �hxee fe�t £rom �he propoaed praperty •
<br />�;, �.�,ne di�ri�ing �he �wo pfeces af p�oper�y. Fr� a i$�a�. �tandpoint
<br />;� t�iis Chree '�ee� i� the rear ��C-bacic �.r��Gr�uc2► az� �he n�rrt�west -
<br />;�� rlirn�nsiaa of t�e iat is cor�side�ed txie f�ont, an t?�ds case wouid
<br />'� be 75 f��t on`Wi1d�r Str�e�. _
<br />�;
<br />;�f . i � - ; - . . . . . � � _
<br />'' ��j YQu wi.11 no�r� an the sketch �Y�at �he �r�p�zties ka the nar�hwest
<br />,:-
<br />r3 h�ve carisi.de�ab?e depCh nnd iC n�ay be poss�bi� ta ns� � pnr�ion -
<br />��Y oi �he. �r:ar g€ the pro�rer�y �n ques�i.on for the ci�velop�aen� o�
<br />�;
<br />�� �,ots ��cing Elcir�.dge Avenue. 7Chis orfentatiom wc�uld abv�.ouslq
<br />jt� . . , .. . . . � . . . . � . .. a
<br />be beCter thar. io�s Ero�tting on C�ev�land Av�nue �hiciri of course, ;s
<br />�. is a wajur thoroughfa�e.
<br />,:
<br />�} �
<br />;_ _
<br />t��;�.}.� ._ , ,. . _, . y�
<br />