<br />1. i Leroy D. Le;nay and I�rna Ke Lemay are the o�kners of the S 1�L.83 it
<br />j of the j�1'-� of the SE � of tt�e ;E 4 of Sec L, T 29, R 23, �xcEpt the tiJ
<br />I LL � f t thereof , and exr.epr the E 30 f� thereof , subject to tk�e rights -
<br />; of the pubLic i� County Road "C" �
<br />; '
<br />.� �' .� � ,�,: .�1 C �-4..�' ��
<br />i�ddress: ,
<br />: 2�
<br />3.
<br />4.
<br />S.
<br />6.
<br />�'loyd R. �'eterson ar►d Fl.or�nce L> PEter�on are the o��n�rs of the W
<br />LL5 ft �f S 2 acrer �i t•J� of SE'-.� of S�4 of Sec L, 'T 29, �. 23, exc�p�' ,
<br />t� $� f_t thereof subject t� the rights ac�uir�d by V�_Llage �of lZoae�rille'
<br />in t�e " 30 ft thereof fo�r pubLic highway purpases and subject
<br />to the rigY�ts c�f public iti� the S 33 ft thereof for Cout�ty i2oaci C.
<br />Address : yC�� �.�J-�, .,��
<br />John G s Thoma s and I��rrair�e I�. Thomas are the owner� o� the
<br />oi the G71: of 1�'ne S 2 acres of Wq of the SE4 of the 5E� Sec
<br />R 23, subject to ri.ghts acqu:ired by VilLage of .:�:seviLLe in
<br />f t thereof for pubLic: highway, purposes e
<br />Ad d r e s s: y�/ ���•����'� -�� �
<br />.. ; ��;�;
<br />I�' S S f t
<br />L, T 29,
<br />the W 30 �' ;
<br />rf�' `� �`
<br />Louis F. Kemper and Ve:r�t� ��r« '�mper ax e the owners of. N 8 S f t of tt�e
<br />S 266.�3 fi: of th� E;�; o��d��e�,;W1�E;�.,of tne SE� of the ��� of Sec 1, � 29,,
<br />R 23 except the C 30, f� g�.ki±e�e�'�f .',
<br />� ���ri�� ' �,
<br />3 �s I i �, �i� ���
<br />Address: �7�'d l''.�'�� � { ` ���p';� '
<br />"�.�� 1�.�+� i� �ti{��'4_�f � � "�.f
<br />'.:41 � 4�d�i.rWi.. ��.. ..
<br />� � 1�� :'7 C�., � e;,; L.t �
<br />.., . � � �� - .
<br />2��ark Cooper anc] Joan µ4,�i,� „��� ��;,��a���� owner�, of beginnin�; at the �tE ,
<br />cort�er of Sec L2, T 29, R 23 Ramsey County, Minnesota, �thence W a�.ong ..
<br />the N Line n�' sai:l Sec 1.2, 738 ft which is the point cs£ beginning
<br />af the �.and to� be conve,yed; thence S and paraLLeT. with the E liri� of
<br />saici section 330 ft thence W and p�raLlel with the N Line of said
<br />ser�tion 85 ft thence N�nd paraLLeL with �he E line of said section
<br />330 ft to th� N Line of saic] secrion thence � along the N1 �ine of
<br />said sec�ion 85 f_t Lo tne point o� begir.ning, subject tn the rights
<br />of the public in that part thereof_ taken for. County Road C
<br />AddY'ess : Y�y �v. ��. � C�
<br />Howarci H. Pit�eLkow �nd CL.aire S, Pittelkow, are the oianers oi
<br />commencing at NE corner of Sec 12,T 29, R 23; thence W a�:ong N line
<br />of_ ��id St�c , 823 ft to the pc�int of beginning of the Land to be
<br />conveyed; thence S 330 ft paraLLe1 with E Line oi said Sec; ttlence �J
<br />a nd p�r.�1.1eL with N L ine of saicl Sec 90 ft; thence N and paraLlel
<br />with � Line of. said Sec 330 ft to N].ine of said Sec; thence E
<br />along N l.ine �f sai.cl Sec 90 f. t to pc�int of be�innin�, exeept that
<br />portio� t�hercof tal�en for. publ.ic hi�h�a�y s.
<br />Ad ci r e s �:}��=�" �.�� ��L�� �.
<br />�
<br />