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� <br />0 <br />w �� <br />(��1rC` a <br />�)O5Cr1�)LlOii: <br />� <br />Line A: I�sRinnin� at thc intcrsection of tho cent�rlina of �dest�rn Ave. and <br />GranJvierr Ave. being 330.55' 5out}ierly of the center of Sec 12� T 29N R 23 i� -� <br />Ramsey County, Ftinnesota, tlience E:ast alon� t}zo centerline of Grandvi�w Ave. a <br />distanco of 510 feet to the point of a curve� tl�ence NE'ly alonA a�urvo with <br />� radius of 428.31 feet �A�26°17' to tl�e left) for an arc distance of 196.48 <br />feet to end of curve, thenca N 63°43' E. �3.46 feet to point of curve, thence <br />Easterly alonR ��urve with a raciius of 428.31 feot (Aa26°1'�' to tha rigitt) <br />for an arc distance of i96.4� .fe�t to end of curve, ti�ence E�st 60 feet to point <br />of•curve, thence SE'ly �'.ong a curve with a radioes of 363.87 fvet (A=30°44' to <br />�he right� for an arc d'stance o£ 195.18 feet to end of curve, thence S. 59°16' <br />E, 54.35 ieet to $oin�; of curve� thence Easterly along a curve with a radius of <br />3 6 3. 8 7 £ ae t (An30 44' to th� left) for an arc distance of 195.18 feet to end of <br />cut�ve on the c�nterline o� Gxandview Ave. and there terminatinR. <br />Line D: Beginning at a point on tiie centerline o¢ County Road B-2 distant <br />1002.86 feet East of tiie center af Section 12, T 29N, R 23 IV, Ramsey County� <br />�tinneso�ta, beinR GO feet West of tlie We�t line of Lot 29, 131ock 3, Rice St. <br />Grand View addition extended North� thence Sout}i parullel �o tlie Iti'est line uf <br />said Got 29 � distanco of 200 feet to a poir�t on Line A and there terminating. <br />Line C: Beginning at a point or� the East line of Section 12, T 29 N� R 23 ►V, <br />Ramsey �ounty, r�fin!nesota distant 1036.0 feet South of the East Quarte�r Corner <br />of said Section 12� thence IVest at ri�;ht an�les a distance o£ �33 f�et to point <br />ofcurve, thence NIV'ly along a curve with a radioes of 180 feet (A=90° to the - <br />right) for an �rc lerlgth of 282.74 feex to a point o£ reverse curvature, thence <br />N1�"ly along � curve with a radiass of 39F.17 feet (A�23°07' to tne left) f�r an <br />arc length of 157.82 feet to end of curve, th�nce N. 23°07' �4. 31.SG feet ta a <br />point of curve� thence Northerly along a curve with a radinas of 537.86 f�eet <br />(A+�23°07' to the right) for an a�rc length of 217.01 feet to end of curve, <br />tlience North 100 feet to a point on tihe �auth.line of Grandview Ave. and th�re <br />terminating. <br />� 4ine D: Beginning at a point on the centerlinc of t�iarion St. distant 240 feet <br />South of the centerline of Bismaxck Ave., thence East 27� feet parallel �:o <br />Bismarck Av�., thence South 130 feet parallel tr� Marior� St., ,thence East 240 <br />feet parallel to B�smarck Ave., thence I3E'ly by a d�flectYor� angle of 40° to <br />the ieft a distance of 225 feet� more or less` to Line C and there te�minating. <br />: The Villag� Council will hear the above matter at their meeting of December 18� <br />i967, a�t 7:30 P.M. in the Village E�lall. <br />. . 1 age �anager <br />.. '" . _ . � . 4 <br />�r a ' <br />S 1 �,'1 S t . ' .. . . . . - <br />� ;.:'. �, - ' . • <br />:, t <br />a <br />t . . <br />a. :` <br />� f ; <br />�� t f <br />��� <br />� � :��. . � . <br />r: <br />� � : �� <br />�r � <br />r rt�. �. <br />_� �L°l� s .. . . ' � — — ' �e� <br />