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�.._��.. � <br />Inolusive deacriptian: <br />PARCEIS qA91 and 1°B�' <br />That pe�rt �f t�e South�rsst �uar�er (54�� �f �the Sauthwest Quarter (SW,�-�) <br />of Se�c�ion 3 p TQwnship 29, Range 23 e�caept the tract conveyed to <br />Minneapalis & St. Louis Railway Gompar�y lr,� deed recorded in "52" Deeds 22 <br />and subje�t t� rights acqu�.red by State af Minnesota in "10�7" De�ds 629, <br />all in Ramsey County� State o� Minn�sota, described as follows� <br />Heginning at a point 200 ft. West of North Pascal Ave. on a line extend�d <br />� Wes�orl3r at a right angle from said West line of North Pascal Ave„ from <br />a point �3Q ft. l�orth oi the intersection of the West line of North Pascal <br />Ave, with the pr�sent North line of County Road "C"; �hence Northerly at <br />righ� an�les to a point in a line 200 f�. South oi and paxallel with the <br />Nor�h l,ine of the above describ�d property; thence Westerly along said <br />parallel line 580 ft.; �heMae at right angles N�rther].y� to the inter- <br />seation of the North property line; thenee Westerly along said North <br />7Line to �he Northwest corner thereof; thence Easterl,y along said Souther],y <br /> to a point 20,5 ft. dis�ant from the Southeas� Qorner of saa.d property; <br />�k�onee Northe�l,y� to the point of beginninge <br />