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� .�dUTi(:li f�t� PU I ' <br />!3G (. tl�lkIRG <br />'�'U M�! �M IT t�iAY �t�k Wd : <br />Nu�,��� i� �aa�y giv�n that �he P�annin� C�i�sion of the Yillgge of R�seville, <br />�7tiD Narth I.�x�.ngto� �.venuaa St� Paul, Minna�ota, will r��t at th� VillAgo llall <br />at 7:30 P.t�lQ, Wectnt�acia,y, Novdmbe�r d, 1�64, tQ consid�r rezoning on tha follow�g <br />dos�ribev Nrc�p�rty: <br />LECAi !lliS�:ttIPTIUN : <br />Par�ce i '•A'� <br />That p�►rt o�' the Sc�a►thwest �ua�er �S►�1�4) of ths Southw�st Qu�rter (StVI/4) <br />of 5action 3� Toeonship 29, Rang� 23� except the tr�rc� conv�ayecl to �finneapolis <br />end St � L�� Rsi lwa� Com�any by Jood ro�corded in "52" l���is 22 and sub j oCt <br />to riQhts sequi.�rt�d by St�ate af �l�nnesota in "1Q4T' Ueec1� 629a all in Itams�y <br />Cuunt�►e Stato o� Al�nnesote, deacribed as follrn+s: Bagin�ing at a point 200 <br />gta I�ost of Nortl� Nascal Avenue► on g line axter��l�d 1Vestoriy et a rigl�t angl� <br />fro� ss�ici Wost line oi North Puscal AX�nue from � pc►int 43U fte North of the <br />fntut�aection of tho Wo�t line of North !'�scal A�ronuo with tha present North <br />line of Cow��y t�aad "C"; thee��a Westarly on �aid extendacl line �o �he S�uth- <br />wost corner of Parcol "ti"; ther�ce at an angl.o of Ft7° 43' 25" Northerly g20 <br />ft�, aora �r lo�s, �o th� intarsoction of th� Morth property lina; thence <br />Wasterly alang ss�fd ,�iorth line to t6�e Northwast cornar of sai.d property; <br />Lhenco South�rly glon� the l�to�terly lia�� of saicl prvperty to the Souti�west <br />corn�r thareof; thence Eust�rly along said Southe�xly 2ine to a poin� 205 fto <br />diatant fr� the So�+thea$t corner of said property; thenco Noxtherly �o the <br />poi�t of be�ireningn <br />Parcel "B" <br />9'isa� ��rt af tho Southwest 4'u�rte�r �SIV1/4� of tt�e South�r�st (�arter `SW1/4) <br />of Soction 3� To�nship 29, Itan�a 23, excapt the tract conveyecl to Elinneapolis <br />�rtd Stq 4�t,eis Itailatay �on�ptany by da�c! rocorded in "52" U�eds 22 �nd subject <br />ta rights �cgui�d by St�t� of Minnasota in '°104�" Lload� 629, alI in Ramsey <br />Ccwnty, St�ta of Miruaesotaa descri,bed as follows: Beginning at a point 200 <br />ft� We�t of Noxth Pasca� Avenue on a lin� ext�ended W�est�rly at ,a rigiit angl� <br />fr� �aid I�ost lim� of North Pascal l�ve�nue from a po�.nt 43U ft� North of the <br />intex^se�tion caf the W�at lin� of i�orth Pas��l Av�nue with the prssant North <br />li�ae af Caun�y �act i!C'•; thence Northexly at �right angles to a po�int in line <br />200 fto Sorath of �nd parallel with the Nos�h �.ine o� the above described <br />property; thonce Wssto�rly �.ioreg said para23e1 Iine 580 f�o : thonce South�rly <br />at �right a�ngl�s to a po�nt ir� the Woster.ty extension c�f th� line d�awn at <br />r�ght anglo fro� the s�id poant in the �ine of Nort1� f'ascaZ �ivenu��, is <br />dfat�r►t 430 ft� North of s�id present i�orth�rly line of C�tAn�y Road "C'; <br />thenco Eestorly �to th� point �f baginning� <br />� <br />�. <br />� �g� er <br />