ti-'rr"�- ,
<br />�
<br />�
<br />said ex�ception 0. 05 acres more or lesa, leaving a� net acreage
<br />�'
<br />t�.
<br />. �} .
<br />�! � •
<br />{,
<br />, � 'i
<br />, ir-
<br />in sai�i Parcel #1 of 28, 48 acres more o� leas. '�� r�';
<br />� � A tra�ct of land being a part �f the North Half of Section 8, T�wnehip '� •'`
<br />29 North, �tange 23 V�eet of the Fourth Pr�ncipai Meridian, located ��,
<br />� . in the County of Ramaey, State of Minne�ota, and� more particularly �
<br />'� ` ,� � deacribed as follow�: ' � • -
<br />�;T ` To find the point of beginning commence at a point on the North .� � '`
<br />_ �� _l in e o�' a a i d Se c tion 8, d is tan t 9 3 4 feet East o f t h'e l�orthwest "' .
<br />- ' corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section; th�nce' South ' `• ,'� �il
<br />' � �arallel with the North and South quarter s�ec�aon line of sa�d '"� "'
<br />� ;: . ,
<br />;, � Section to the Northerly line of the right of way of the Northern � �
<br />,C " . . . � ' :.:
<br />, Pacific Railw�y; thence l�tortheast along the ri�ht of way of aaid .� �
<br />«�' '` � railroad 267. 3 f�et; thence South along a line hereinafie 'r desig-' "~ `
<br />�F� �' `� � n�ted and referred to as Line A, a distance of 1286. 91 fe�t to �'
<br />i,= the actual point of beginning af the' parcel to be described, said ��; � - �"
<br />,� � Lfne A�f extended would intersec t t he Sou i h line o f sai d Nor t heaat • -
<br />;,{ 7, Q�arteri, at�a point therein distant 798.'� feet West of the aouthwest ` '���� _',��'
<br />_ '� corn�r of the East f,�u�rter of the Northeast Quarter of said �ection; } �'
<br />- R �5 I � .
<br />thence Soutr! along safd Line A to the South line of said Northeaet ':, .4,F
<br />i� � Quarter; thence East along the South .�ine of ��id Northeast Quarte� � �
<br />�°�� >1 �, '' - a distance of 33 feet; thence 1�1'orth parallel with said Line A�o an � � �''
<br />�`` iniersect�on with a line drawn East fram the ac�ual point of `��' '' t
<br />f�, {� ;
<br />, �. ;:
<br />;� �: beginnin� an d a t rig h t ang les to said Line A; thence W�st along � ' .�� r+'.
<br />�`+� ' � satd line so drawn 33 feet to the actual point of beginning, con- � �� ``
<br />�j' ' ' ` taining 0.�67 acres more or less, � � � �- �� �'
<br />, ,
<br />e y � y;'
<br />t�£ � ' r � , .�
<br />r'� ' � . Subject to an easement for flowage uses necessary aa�d incfdental ���'`
<br />�� ; ,;
<br />'� �, to highway con�truction and maintenance said eas�ement having b�er� '� �
<br />'A % Y
<br />a,� t fil.ed of record in the Offic� of the Re�ister of Deeds of �tamsey� �
<br />,;� {,-' � �ounty, Minnesota, on March 9, 19�48, as document nu�nber 117�012 � `� «
<br />"" � �-. and r�corded in Book 12�74 of Deeds, Page 381 and whic�a easerr�ent �� t�� `ir'::
<br />�' r � '� � �sti:
<br />�`: i� desc�ibed as follows: � ��`
<br />�,:.,
<br />;.4
<br />.s a :
<br />�'� ; All that part of the southeast qu�rter of tt�e northwest quar�er (SE 1/4 ,> ,;s
<br />�'��J .;,. �,, NW 1/4) of section 8, township �9 north, ra�nge 23 west which liss ��y� �
<br /><.�:
<br />` r,: south�rly of the follorwing described lir.�: From th� center o� said ;= , 4, `;;
<br />:r L;; �sectior� 8; run south on the nor�th and south quarter line thereof for =
<br />r`� ,,: �4�. 5�eet; therece d��l,ec� to the �right 94°00' for 33 feet; thence deflect `.` �-
<br />`' y � tt.��n�e x�zn nortfierly on the las i a�bove � �`
<br />' t ; .' . �ef� _9�°^U�' for 100 fe�; ,;
<br />', �.s.�.�� d c:ou��se for 1 0 0 �e�t;` N enc� deflecC io the left Z7° 4' " .�.`-`
<br />� 08 for
<br />'' 7:� zG►d� Feet �o t�ie-�ioint of beginn n a� the line ta be des�rib�ed; xlh�nee � �
<br />, , : ; �;
<br />, ,� co;ca�in;�� nortt�weeterZy on t�e ia�t des���ribed c�ur�e for 238.35 feet; � � �`
<br />��� , �� ' then�e� �ief�.�ect to� the leit 11°4�'S2" for 208 fe ei� t h� e n c e d e f l e c t t o t h e ' �';;°
<br />�`` Aeft �5�°15' €ur 1�60 ieet; thence deflec�t Go th� le�ft 8��00' for 400 Yee�' �' ;i `'`"
<br />, ,
<br />acid thaa•� teranie�a��ing; contair�ing 2. 27 ��rre� ��nor� �r �ee� 0 ) 1`,'
<br />�' , . I1 ,
<br />�� ...�.. , � :: ' I i
<br />/ ` ' � .. . � � . .. Ci �� . . . .. : ` � 4 V S-,�i
<br />���\�ti � , . ... � • .. ' � � .. . �
<br />Y . . . � . . , . . � . . . . , f
<br />� � . . ' . . . ' •1 � . .��
<br />s t � . . . . . . . + .
<br />.: < � . i ��' . ' , . � . {
<br />. , . _ . .. . . � .. � i � 3�
<br />� . ' , : 1'� 2 � Exhib#t A `
<br />. - j '��
<br />� - , . _ f ,I� �
<br />�.;�. ' ' " . � .. .
<br />