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0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />0 <br />C�ae ido 0 61�81 <br />Peti.�ioner: <br />Lacatien: <br />�� <br />Ralph �Iadeau, Contractor <br />Rose Plaza Shopping Center <br />December 5, 19b1 <br />Action Requested: Approvul of Multi�le dwe7.ling in '�B-1" area and <br />c,onstruction o� ha.ghEr than 1 and 1 i stor.ies wi�hin <br />�.SC' of Singl.e F'amily P�esidential area. <br />Pl�tnning Con3ideration <br />lo The revised design �ar �he proparty in ques�ian has been submit�ed <br />as gener�al�.y indic���cl in �he small slce�ch at �:h� J.ef�. Tt is <br />propased t.o cons�ruct �he aparLm�n� L-a the westerly portian <br />of the site w�.th substantial lawn are�z �o th� �ront and bac�s with <br />a redwood screened fence an �h� south and ��es�erly side af the proper�y. <br />2 a azeas .pr.��posed 4a be �aetwe�n �he exi.� �ing mus�c school an�d <br />�h� apartmenC bui�.ding wi��� �ccommoda�ion �or 39 sp�ces. <br />3, The �o�al lsnd are�. for tl'e ap�xtr�ent de�elop�nent �•�i11 consist o� <br />4d,30S equare fee� including thai: por�ion af ehe st�ee� whict-. is to <br />be vacated. As yo� know, �he southex�.y �0 fee� oi Dionne Str�et is <br />nai: proposed to be developed i�.i-ag.-much as �his Area is to be paxt <br />o� a screening for �he park�.n� cente� to the west as per an agreewent <br />arranged s�verml mon�iis ago �� tl�.e �iffie of the developmen�c of �he <br />Spaxtan Cer�t�r, If ��his area �of land is included �.n �he calcul�.�ioas <br />�he Cotal Iand a�ea would be 45Q790 squmre fe��. Under �he existing <br />dezaeity require�nen�s of �504'� squ�.re feet �or one-bedroom units and <br />2,400 +square feet for two-bedxovm un3.�s �h.e land r�quire�ent would <br />be 40,5Ua squa�re �e��. tinder the propased densi�i�a o� 170� squa�re <br />f�e� per one-�aodroom uai� and 2Sa0 aquare freex for two--bedroom uniCs <br />tv� ��quired Iand area would be 4$,700 sq�a�e f e�t. <br />4. Ig w�uld a.�ppeaa �ha� in �4�is c�s� wherein �x� apar�ment ie groposesi �o <br />be construeted o� l�rad t�xat is directly con��guous �o Cammercial <br />property �nd wherein i.t would funcCinn as an effec�ivF transi�ion <br />�►en��iting the Single Fa.maly residence �o �he �or�h �fth wliich we must <br />be �concern�d �ha� i� would be appropria�e to cons�.der the dc�nai�i�s <br />propoae�i. Th�tt is �o say, undex� rhese cc��di�ions a�heore�ical shor�age <br />o� 3,000 square feet (us3ng the n�w density prnposals) caould no� appe�r <br />to be a dif�icu2t pr�bleffi in-a�-�nuch as adequat� pa�r.tcing spa�es haee been <br />providede tisin� the factor of i.5 parking ap�.ces per dwelling uni� <br />(tlaere mr� 23 un3.�e) it would require 3��.5 �paces, <br />5e �here remaias, of cour�e, the question a�, to the ultimate use of the <br />e�is�ing building. Yt is �sgumed tha� tlie existing mu�ic schoo�. would <br />con�inue tc� opexate (�s �ta�ed by Mr. 'Zugler) �nd �hat part of the <br />excess ���ovided in paxking couT�d be ut#.13.zed for this building e Yn <br />the �utiure, i� would appear most �:xped�.ent �o rElate �he existing <br />atructure to usas in the shoppix�g center. Tha� is to �my, th�e ideal <br />�ol.ution w4uld ap�ear to b� on� whex�ein ich� exis�ing s�ruc�ure end <br />propex�y related �o it could be acquired by the shopping cen ter and <br />�ccess to it be oriented f�:o� the east. The �vent thae this is Aot <br />possible ��atheg possibili�y would be the granting of a�a �as�aaent ' <br />across �h� praposed parking lo� fo� the apartmenta so �s to al.low <br />access to �he music school proper�y �i� this roix�ee <br />