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✓ <br />Rtohtrd 'hirnlua�d, <br />Yill,�g� ���tr�atc�r, <br />The fallo�aing actions were taken <br />ite Novembe� lp 1961, meeting: <br />4 <br />b� tha Plannin�,� Commi s� ion a t <br />P'ile Ido. 78s The preliminary plat of Tachida-�Owa�so Hills wae r,�ferr�d <br />to tha Recreation B�ard on October 13, 1961. A recolmnendation fror� �tt�� <br />Boa�rd haa not been received. The Corrsni�eion tebled action on the �a� <br />vnti.� the �ecember 6a 1961� meeting, P <br />File No. 80 i Wariance requa ste d by Century Fence Cor►�a r�r tO e� C� � <br />addition to� an e�.ating iri.thin five feet of the pr�op��ty lin�r. <br />No one appe�red at the m�eeting in eupport o�' the rec�ue st. 1'he Ccammi��fdn <br />tabl�d a�tion until the December 6, 1961, m�eting, <br />,__�,�, ., <br />File Aio. S�.a 3pecial Use Perrait requeet�ed by Ralph NgdeBu �'or a multiple dwell <br />iri a B-1 aone and variance �o con�t�ct a multiple unit ororer 1� at,or�Lee h�gh, � <br />B' J°r'0� j'Oft�gagrden r�qu,�sted that action be contir�ued to allo�r the architeCt <br />ti�e to complete the pl.nns. <br />PYle N�. 71 <br />P'ile No. 853 (}eorge E. Maier ,�nd (}eorge and Mary Werner, Rezoning R-1 <br />to R-3. The rezoning ws,� opposed nearl 1 <br />The der��lo ent� lane �' Y� of th� property o�rner�, <br />Pm P pr�sented at the m�etin� �re �ref�ei.r.ed to Ho�rard <br />i�hlgren for a report at th,e next �,��j,�, <br />F�.le No, � <br />86: � rney gchmj.g �dvi � d ti�e Com�i s e ion �hat h� i s no t in <br />Yavo r of re zonin� hi e p rope rty� <br />�11e No. 58: Str�et N� Changes, It ie su, <br />the Pillage Atto rntey to cont�ct Mra. �th �'�� st�on that y�ou. r�que st <br />ds�taile requi�d in resent i hairman) about th� <br />P ing thie matter far approwal. <br />Special �po i-ta: <br />File No. 50 BIA District 2. Induetr� Devel <br />pre�ented the Coimniaeion with a p�roposal for �,be abov��m�entio ed. ��ren <br />Cormnia�ion membere will etuc� the repo�t �nd make i�� recomr�ndation at <br />tlae ne� �eeting. <br />R�port on e�treet la�out �.n the industrial area. Howard Dah1, x�en wil <br />a letter to �,i�e Commi.eai,on at the nP,�t m�eting indicating the as ects present <br />PraPari.n$ such a report and the ao et irrv�oly,ed. P of <br />, <br />. . , �, �, .: �:��n� .� �- <br />., . „ <br />: - <br />, - .. <br />� _.,� , ,, ; _ . ����"'��.�.� _.,.;'. -. <br />