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�J <br />�J <br />VI%IAGE �F ROSEVILLE ENGINEERING DEPA,�TY�2ENT <br />�tT�iARY aF NECESSARi DA�: FOR PRELIMI�IARy pL�N <br />�fer�nce : VYllage af I�seville Ordinance Section 20.0�+0 <br />In ad.d,ition to �he data prescribed by ��e I,�,ws of t%s State of A9inneso�aa � the preli- <br />minary plan shaLl iuclude the fo].lowin� data: <br />1� Identiffcation �,nd Description <br />(g) Proposed r�Qme of subdi�ri.sion. <br />(b) IQcation by tewnship, section, town or range, or by <br />other legal description. <br />(c) Names and addresses of the owner or subdivider baving <br />control of �be lancis incluuc�..ed in said plan, the design�r <br />o� the plan Qnd, the euxvey�ox. <br />(d) Grephic (engineerin�) scale not less than one inch to <br />x00 fe�t. <br />(e) North-point (deaignated as true north). <br />(f) Date of prep�ration. <br />2. E�ist�ng Conditi4ae <br />(a) Bounda�r� line of pi°aposed subdivision, cle�,rly indicated.. <br />(b � Existing zoning cl.assifiGetion. <br />(c) Zbtal agproximate acresge in said plan. <br />(d ) I,Acation� widths and names of all exiating or prev�.ously <br />platted st�eeta or other public ways, ahowing type of <br />improvenent, if any� railroad e.nd utility right-of-ways� <br />p�rks and �tber public open spacea, permanent bui�:c7.ings <br />and struc�tures, eaeem�r�te, and sectian and corporate <br />lines within the tract at�d to a diste�nce oP 100 fee� be- <br />y+ond the tract. � <br />�/ � <br />(e) Ir�Cation and size of existing sewers, waterm,, culverts <br />nr othex underground facilities within tbe �ract and to a <br />dists�nce of 100 f�et beyc�nd the tra.ct. Sucb data as gradea j <br />inver� elevationa, and location of catch basins, maniaoles �� <br />e,nci hydranta ahall also be shown. <br />(f ) Boundary lines of 4.ri joining unsubdivided or subdivided <br />land, within 100 feet, identifying by name and o�nership. <br />Page 1 <br />�� � <br />