<br />2.
<br />;
<br />3.
<br />;
<br />4. '
<br />.. , ; , - - - . -.. . _ . . _,. .. . r ._. , . . _ _ �
<br />. - , , :r �
<br />. . . . _ _ -. _ . . _ . 1 . . . _ _ ^ . _ . _ _ .. . _ �'t.' � .. . .� .._.a SJ
<br />Southtoi,mm Bap tis t Chur�h, is the o�aner of: The South 300 feet
<br />of the East 6�3 Peet of the Northeast 4 of the �outhxest � oP
<br />3ection 3, �o�rnship 29, Ra.-��e 23, eacept the Nort �4 Peet of
<br />of the East 173 fest thereof. x�co i-!J .�Z � `"' ,
<br />Superior 400 Oil Compan�, is tr.e owner ot': The North 150 Pe�t of
<br />�P the East 173 feet of the Sou�h 300 feet of t e I�artheast -� o�
<br />the Sauttawest � Sec 3, T 29, R 23. q3a9 ,� .' �"{''-rm�
<br />Anthony J. Schmidt end Elizabeth SctBnidt �re the ownera of: The N
<br />135 f� of t�e S 300 f t of the �1 100 f t of E 893 t, of NE� of fihe
<br />SW�S, Sec 3, T 29, R 23. �.�b S N �+�-�t��'�i
<br />Dean R. Cameau and Beatrice Ann Cameau are the owners of: The S 165
<br />ft oi the W L00 ft of th� E 893 ft of NE� of t e SW� Sec 3, T 29,
<br />R 23 . ��t 2� l-l-� . G�`r� .
<br />S. �Anthony J. Schmidt and Elixabeth Schmidt are the o�n�rs of :'P��e W
<br />170 ft of the E 793 ft of the S 300 ft of the NE� of SW� Sec 3, T 29,
<br />R 23. �Z �� J"� �V . �'e.�.t,�.eE? �
<br />6. i Bradley Real Estate Z'rust, Theodore L. Storer atnd Hervep H. Bundy
<br />; and Jo�eph W. Lund, Trustees are the owners of: The l� 587 ft of the
<br />i S 947 ft of the E 623 f ��the NE� of SW� Sec 3, T 29, R 23 exc�t
<br />I the E 163 ft of the N L, ���`��;: --fi"�Q,.�,. �p, �; ��, �. G����JE'
<br />� °' a �
<br />��.�i j� !
<br />7. DoPothq M. B. Barnes is;;�hy��owner of: The N�.60 ft of the S 1090 ft
<br />of the W 172 f t o f �he. FG }2�?5 ;��f t'�., of the SE� of the SW� Sec 3, T 29,
<br />R 23. , - ��,��� ,
<br />�ir° { r r �� '
<br />8. Centenn�al Garden A� par e' ��7�I�c. is the owner of: Lot 1, Block 1,
<br />' ���� � ; � =- �al f�'] o S+� �� �
<br />! Hemline Court. �. �/ " �'
<br />._ �.
<br />�
<br />1�.
<br />;�;� r - _
<br />-�lyde H. King, Jr. a'�� z� �''�. King are the owners of : The E
<br />77 ft of the W 79 ft �f Lot 1, �nd that part of the E 77 ft of the
<br />W 79 ft of I�ot 2 lying N'ly of a Licie described a�s follows: B�ginning
<br />at a point on the W Line of %t 2 amd 135 ft S�rocn th�e S line o£
<br />� Judith Ave. , i�hence E 2 ft, thence NE' Ly �a point on E line of ar►d
<br />�25 f�S irnm the N corner f, s id Lot 2, Block 1, Rose Park.
<br />C'�. . '17 �� �f �.-a'"�. �.�
<br />Jack S. Sacks and� Betty Sa�ks are the owners of : The W 2 ft oE the- `�
<br />1� 135 £t of Lots 1 and 2, a � 7 ft of the N 135 ft of Lot .�, $lock';
<br />1, Rose Pa�k. ��1 � �
<br />Frank J� Vette and Maxine A. Vett� are tt�e a�wn rs of: I�at 3, B1o�ek
<br />1, except the N 215 ft� Rose Park. �7��' ,�Q,��
<br />Edwin F. Cook �nd Ferne E. Cook are the owne�ys of : The 135 f t of ;:
<br />%ot 3, Block 1, except th�� E 73 ft, Rose Pgrk. �,�, j�
<br />_ y
<br />Devid H�rber �nd Mary E. �Eerber are the owners of : The S 80 ft of �
<br />the N 215 f t of Lot 3, Block 1, Rose Park. � ���, �
<br />�,
<br />Vadnais Constructian Inc is the o`aner of : Lot 1, �xc�pt the ; W? 3' ft ,: ,�
<br />and that �art of Lot 2, Block 1, Lying N' Ly of line describesi as ' `
<br />fallows : Beginnig at a�oint on the W line of Lot 2 an� L35 f� S `�'
<br />from the S line of Judith Avenue, thence E 2 ft, thence NEtLy to �Zoint
<br />on E'�ine of and 25 ft S from the I�E corner of said Lat 2, Block 1, -
<br />except the tid 79 ft, R�ase Pa�rk.
<br />ISSUED �Y /�.,,�� � ��� ..��,..a�G--�
<br />C,'tft'NT�' A�;STR:�CT CLERIi l�`} Ct�L'' :T IIC7T?SE
<br />�T. F.1L"L, '�TINNr.�OTA � .� -
<br />. �
<br />Fr,rm .'�FSG-LKOU 30�t �'_-i�t
<br />