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Ca�e �tuaaber 63 �156 <br />Petitio�a��: <br />La�at4on: <br />Septcmber 4, �.96� <br />�usnell� .�� I�lin�r, Ar�k�ur .�►w Mc�u�eQ J�►mes H. C�ssy, <br />L2.oyd k��nu�oa o <br />Nortit end weaz of Vietari� Aven�e �se+a aketch). <br />Act�Qn �ie+�uestedt Appro�v��. of �'rQliwin�r� P1�� <br />Piennir�� '�onsid� <br />E1a The properl.y i.n question app�er� to �lr�a�dy l�av� been d�.vi�ded <br />by m�Cea an,d �odrind� d��cr�ptione wT�ich ��p�8r on tk�e �ecticm mapse <br />�4ppgrently thie pro�erty r�+8a p�oposed eo be plr�tted aocpe�ime ago <br />and �� nQ� casnpleted. Verious metes and bouncia descriptions, <br />and ee�ementa appe�r to h�ve t�een �i�ed, hoEa�ver, div�ding the <br />property into eome eight �ar�al�. <br />(2) Th� propo�e� �l.�t inc�f.cetes � cul de s�c p�o�id�.n$ acceee to thzee <br />l�ts wi�h ono lot t►aving dir�ct acc�ea ta �T�.c�o�ia Avenue o Thi� <br />is, of c��+r�e, not an �.dsal si.tura�ion� 8£ pritsc+p�l concaxn hexe <br />i� tha fact thaG th� cu� d� �ec m�kea no ert�nga�ment ca ga�.m acce$s <br />C�o the pzap�rtiQs contigucug co the we�t ox the northo <br />(3) You wi11 note nn the ek�t.�k� �hat Ck�e�� unpl��tad are�s� to th� <br />north �cad �r�s� sr� subst�ntial anr3 s�vul.d �ppe�r Co hav� na d�re�ct <br />�cce�a pot�n�ial 4t1'1t�Y �h�n thak c�f ��c�or�.� Avenua. <br />(4� i�e eugge�t �haC t�e app�ica�t� b� qu�s��on�d at �`h� meeti�g �it� <br />�eg��� ��, pZmne ior �urure+ m�ce�a Go the��e pzope*t��s � on� a� <br />�k��.eh �pp�are to be crwziec� by o�� o��h� �pp�.icsnta . <br />e5� Ot�� of the po�aib�li�ie$ �aauld �p��ar Go be �he� af axte��ing <br />a rigk�C-o��-wRp Co �t�e nor�hw��C �,�.Ia��, th� �ro�o�ed drainage �ascsment� <br />�thich ��ten�ion might provi�ie Ac�ess to the �nntigucsu� p�opert��s <br />in Qu�atiozt. <br />