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� �.. � � � � <br />. <br />� <br />,n � <br />� �, 1967 <br />GASE: <br />383-d1 <br />APPLICANT: Z�mme�r� Recilt� Conlpar,y <br />i954 University Ave�ue <br />St. Paul, Minnesota <br />LOCATION: Northeost Corr+er oF �ovnty Ra.�! B and Piscol <br />ACT10N REQUEST�D. Approvol a� Sp+ecioi Use penn+t <br />PLANNINC C�NSiC�eRATiONS: <br />i. Th� piroperty i� question is a wacant icx v�est oF the Golclen A�e Nursing Hcxr►e and <br />sauth of the Zimmerrrwn �partm�ts across the st�aet fran the Singla-Fcmily hames <br />sarth of Ccwnty Road 8. This property is zonecl "B-i " and has long be�, cQnsid�raed <br />ason obviou���#ial for o q4%�lity affice buitding. The zanin9 C�rdin°^ce r'a'9uites <br />ri <br />thot if a lwiiding in a"B-i" _�one is iess tho� 150 feet from a contiguous "R-1" District, <br />tha building n+Qy noi` be grevte� t{,r�n one cnd one-halfstories unless a specia! use permit <br />%s issued outhorizing a i�i�he+r stn+cture. The opplicont proposas c three ond one-hnlf <br />story buildi�+g with �rking at grode vr► the remoinder af the site .=�d in the bosement <br />of rhe� structura. Thus, tha first half Floor will be pa�icing, and the r�mainder will be <br />three flaon of office uses. <br />2. V4/e hove reviewed the preliminary sketches af the p;-oposa�, but finalized drowings hove <br />nat been wbmitted as oF fihe writing of this report. It is �xpected that the finalized <br />drowir�� will ba tampleted prior to the Pia�ning Con4�iasio� mee�ting,► so as to give <br />y�our co�ultants opportunity to review the plan in detail. WVe �would wgg'es ia l a� tf • <br />t}�fi enunbecs af the Pianning Commiuien ond Countii view the site, pca y <br />relot� to the hemes across the �reet . <br />3. In view af the limited omount vf lond yet ava�lcb�e in this k�y portian af the Villuge, <br />it is obvious thafi the lcnd should be de�reloped to its �ximu i��'Qi �ig ��'��ie p4'ior <br />the interest af the property owr►ers to the sauth. If addrt�cna <br />to the heoring, we wil� moit a wpp���tary nepart out'ining the density foctors and <br />alte�notive proposa�ls fil�ot :n�ght be considered. <br />