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\J <br />�� � v � ���vs F���� <br />AF�IQ�►1�'IT OF PU�LlCJ�TIt�N <br />�' ►�L?B�RBAi ' St, i� <br />653 Wab�sha Avsnue <br />Stafe� of Mie�nesot� 1 <br />Gour�ty of RaR:sey � �5. <br />�t. Paul, M�innesota <br />W. JOHN BERTR.4M, beirag duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all tlmea here atated <br />haa been tha Mce pt.�eaident and prinCer of the aewspaper knnWm as The Suburban S'us <br />and haa iull knoa�ledge of the facte herein stated as followa: (1) Sald aewe��nyer <br />fa pcinUed in the Enigliah language in newspaper format and in caltunn and aheet Sorm <br />equivalent in pridted space to at leaet 900 square inebes. (2) Sa[d newapapet is a weelc�y an� <br />le distrlbuted at leaBt or�ce each week. (3j Said newapaper haa 50� of its nevirs columns devoted <br />to nevws of local intereat to tha community which it purparts to serve and dcea nd4 M�hollq <br />duplicate Any other pugllcatlan and ia not made up entire�y of patente, plete matter and <br />advertisements. (4) Sai.d newspapex is circuleted ia snd near the rnunicipalitq which it g9uporta <br />to serve, has a2 least b00 coples regcslarly deliver�ed to payin� eu�crlbera, has Rn avet$Qe ot <br />ai least 75% nf its total Mrculation ourrent�y gaid or no more than three moatl�a is azreara <br />and has entry as secand•class matter in its local poet-oftice. (5) Said aewepaper purpo�ts f,9 <br />aerve the Cltles of Raseville and WhiLe Bear Iaake end Villages of Shoteview, Arden HSILi and <br />Falcan hieigb4t in ttte County of Ramaey anci it nas dts known office e1 isaue in the Clty of <br />St. Paul in said couaty, establiahed and open durtng its regular busineas hours fo�� t6e <br />gathering of news, st�l� of �dWertismcnta and sale of subscrlptions and maintalned b;� the <br />m,anaging otticer or persons in its employ and aubject to his dir�etion and control duriug aIi <br />st�Ch regular business hours and devoted exclusi�-ely duria�g such regu�er bnatnees hours <br />tt> the buaineas oi the newspaper and busineas rRlated thereto. (6) 5aid newspaper !lles a coy�y <br />of each issue Smmiediately with thr State Hiatorical Society. (7) 3aid ae�vapapa� isaa <br />complied with all Yde toregoirg conditions for at i�ast two yeare preceding the day or dates <br />of publication cnentionrd below. (8) Said newapap�er has filed with the Secretary of 3tale <br />of Minnasota prior to January 7., 1888 and each January 1 thereafter an af�idavit in tlie form <br />�rescribed bq the Secretary of State and signed by the publiaher of said newaFaper and <br />sworn to before a noiary public staking that tae newapaper is a legal newapaper. <br />ivG'I'IG� OF � J�:LTC H ���.IIuG� <br />He turther atates on oath that 2he printed .. .............................. <br />hereto attached as a part hereof was cut fr�m the columns of said newapaper, and was printed <br />and publlshed therein in the English language, once each week, for 1.. auccessive weeks; <br />1�4�. ... the U�f VC� w ��J <br />that it was first so publlshed on day of . 19 .... <br />and was thereafter �� C ` " <br />printed and published on every to and including <br />�� eC` � tl�e �'O day ofu C�� 18 �� and that the following is a printed copy <br />of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is 'hereby acknowledged as being <br />the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication oL eaid notice, to wlt: <br />abcdefghf jklmnopqrstuvwxyz <br />. ... ... . �i!%��s�/Yl�� <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of . . . . . `. . . . . . . . . 19 � <br />(Notarial Seal) <br />County, <br />My Coxnmission Expires November 8, 1971 <br />