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� <br />� <br />May 3, 1967 <br />CAS�: <br />�� <br />37'7 -67 <br />� <br />APPLICANT: Citizens in the Vicinity af Trunk Highway 36 and Victoria Avenue <br />LOCATION: Trunk Highway 36 and Victoria Avenue <br />ACTION REQU�STED: Disapproval of Proposed G�ade Separation <br />PLA!�JNING CONSIDERATIONS� <br />1. A considerable number of property owners in the vicinity of tl�e Intersection of Trunk <br />Highway 36 and Victoria Avenue hove petitioned the Vi Ilage to take the necessary <br />action t� op�ose the construction of an overpass of Vicforia Avenue and Highway <br />36. �1tta�hed to this report is a letter from the Vi I lage Manager to the Vi Ilage <br />Council outlining some of the con�iderations involved and the positior�s of v�'ious <br />parfiies affect�ed. Mr. Turnlund notes in his last paragraph i�at consu�tation with <br />Rams�y County and the Village of Shoreview immediately affecte� to the norfih <br />would be iri arder �rior to making any decision. We ccncur in this conclusio-� <br />and sugges,t that � meeting be held with representatives c.F Ramsey County <br />and rhe Village of $horeview so as to ascertain their position and arguments for <br />or agains,t the overpass. <br />2. Following such consultation and discu5sions with the Highway Department, we <br />would be happy to prepare furthe� analy-ses as it affects the Vi ilage of Rosevi lle. <br />