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�� <br />� �r1i�T NEW�P�ERS <br />AFF9D�VLT OF PUBLICATION <br />Su.bur�a� Sun <br />5,55 1P1lbbasha Avenue <br />5tate of Minnesota � <br />Co�anty c�f Ramsey � <br />55. <br />54. Paul, Minnesota <br />W. dOH�T BERTRAM, beIng duly sworn, on oath says he is and durinR all times here stated <br />has been the vice president and printer of the ne�vspaper knotvn as The SuDurban Sun <br />and has full knowledge of the fActs herein stAted as follows: (1) Said newspaper <br />ia printed in the Englis� language In newspaper format and in column and sheet form <br />equlvalent in printe:i space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said netivspaper is a week�y and <br />is distrlbuted at leAst once each �eeek. (3) Said ne���spaper has 50r� of its news columns devated <br />ta news of local int�rest to the community which it purports to serve and does not whoL�y <br />dtipllcaEe any other publlcatlon and !s not made up entirely of pntents, plate mntter and <br />udvertlsements. f4) S�id newspaper is circulaf.ed in and near tha municipality which it purports <br />ta se�rve, htts at leusi SUO copies regulArly delivered to paying suGscribers, hps an average oi <br />pt ienst 75°!0 of its total circulation currently paid or no more thsn three months in arrears <br />and has entry us second•alass mAtter in its local past•office. (5) Said newspaper purports to <br />serve thc C1Ues of Roseville and Nhite Sear Lake And Villages of Shoreview, Arden Fiills and <br />Falcon Heights in th� County of itamsey and it oas its known oftice of issue in the City oI <br />&t. Paul ln ataid caunty, established nnd open during {ts regular business hours tor the <br />gnthering of ne��s, sule of advertismc•nts and sale o! subscriptions and maintained by the <br />managing officer or persons in its en �ploy and subject ta his direction and control during aIl <br />suclt regulHr business hours and devoted eaclusi�•ely� during such r�gular bt�stness hours <br />to the b»siness of tI�e newapaper and business related thereto. (6) Ssid newspaper files a copy <br />uI each issue irttmedibtely �a7th the 5tate Historlcal Society. (7) Said newspaper has <br />complied wlth nll Yhe foregoing cond3tions for at feast t�vo y-ears preceding the day or dates <br />of publicaUan mentioned below. (8) Said newspuper has filed �vith the Secreiary of State <br />o! 11tYinnesota pri�r to January 1, 1980 and each danuary 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form <br />psescrit�ed by the 4ecreiury ot Stnte nnd signed Uy the publisher of said newspaper and <br />sworn to before a notary publtc st�sting thgt the newspaper is a legat newspap�er. <br />He turther stt►tes on dnth that the printed Aw� 1��!�'� (.+�' �'" fj. ��r±.�� G.. x:��„\� <br />hereto aktached as a part hereof �vas aut from the cclumn; of suid newspaper, anfl was printed <br />and published iherein in tha English language, unce each �a�eek, for <br />that it was ,irst su published on 4d ��"!„ the � uay of <br />and �vas tY�ereafter printed and pubiished oc� e��er}� �'t �'Qe <br />� successive �veeks: <br />�,ll,� • 1�J �1� <br />to and including <br />�� ��• the /� day ui �+� �• 19 �= and that the tollowin� is a printed copy <br />ot the lo�ver case alphabet from A to Z, buth inclusice, and ts hereby acknowledged as being <br />tAe �lze and kind of t�•pe used in the compositio❑ and publlcation of said notice, ko w-It: <br />nbedefghijklmnopyrstuti•�v�yz <br />Subscribed and s�varn to before rne this <br />� ,[� �� <br />✓ �����f.—v �1/�7'ts�'. <br />✓y.. <br />� daY o( jr��� � lg � <br />� <br />(No6aria.l Sesl) � <br />, --'�� �.� <br />��. -- rr-z.c..�.E'- ��1 <br />Barb.ara Ssnnuelsan, Netary Public. Ranisep Counry, !1Tinn. <br />hty Cummissian E.�nlres Nu�•em�r ti. 1971 <br />(C3ff1cial Publt�ati <br />: � Nn4ien ; n! PrtAHn W� <br />Roseville. <br />Avenue; P <br />m� ,r at. ;. <br />gusi ls 'i <br />to consfde <br />Final P: <br />I Piat' No: : <br />�and Gaun1 <br />isCTibe�i ae <br />LEGAI <br />Begfnai <br />South > <br />; R 2�W <br />` � of� the�. <br />i� �� �outh'..� <br />the:sou <br />ori' a b <br />OU',:. ;W <br />'tect::' t1 <br />+ri� 'Af <br />distani� <br />.,.--•: <br />�� � aC E*L'S' �W ka `r`L1` • CI13t&CiCC -Of �' <br />111 .J8 �eet , tieence � Soultt en <br />a' benring of .:5: 00 degrtie9'. <br />14'DO" _ E < a dfstxnce �04 �1249.Q <br />feet ta 4hie noiut":af be�inn�ng,; <br />subject to County �toad.,L attd° <br />eaSsments nt ..reaord, ��as' na+A,': <br />on �ile st the %!:uYilce oi .the <br />Register: `of •Deeds of .Ramspy;. <br />CountY; in the Viliage of R+�se: <br />vllle, Ftsansey GountY �'Minac-,: <br />sota; haye esused the,sadqe to; <br />he surveyed and`' plattetl',and <br />:,ereaf�er ' krown.. as �'ixlilIr,qu� <br />Estates Plat Nb: ' E and• : Klo? <br />hereby , dedicata to the »u6iic <br />use forever aiI` :streets`,'a:p°,d <br />avenues, and a11 utitlty ant� ' <br />drain�qe easemeaits �s� ffihbwn.i <br />' 8::; W 'Tutalwtd <br />V3ii6! B I�I8IIAg8A <br />(Aug. �l, 1968)—�EL" , <br />