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� <br />� <br />�� <br />3. �•.� iawest Iloor elev;:.�io►� o�' �ny bul,idin� on t:�e lot s.�all 3e <br />�AO 11 iC�iJ b�l� ,�9 � O <br />:i�2 �G u r"'c..V1.:1 ; 1.{�i��F�i �.ti'Ci�u� i � O:TI ;''Ei�: Vl@W �`iV('i11�' '�O Clcvelsnd <br />�::•enue r�s been d�si�;n�:�cd a� �;�;u.�icipFsl atate hid st..r�eet ss p4r� o� the <br />ovcr-a11. 3tate fid J1Jte:.a iTo: t:�e Vill��e. <br />��e con�truction o� J�OT�IlI scucr a�d sur� acin3 ot tY�e street �hould, <br />tn�re:ore, be don� �� a State �+id Project a� such ti.:�e as the r�eed far a <br />atrect throu�;n to Cl�veland l.vcrsue is indic��ed. <br />�J;t,�X ; :�TItJ': �'i�iS <br />i.�e Suudivia�r shall be required to install perr�anent survey �:vanu- <br />r.cnts �t al.l. coxners of the pro�osed �lat,. Al.l survey monu�ents sball be <br />sct by a rc�istered Land Surveynr. + <br />STR:.:�i TI'�.r;;:S <br />T:�e Subdivider ��rill be required to plant trees not rr:ore th�,n 60 ree� <br />apart on I.yciia �',v�nuc. T�c�e trees sY�a).1 be plant�d on private property a}�proxi- <br />r�u-L-ely 10 �ee� froro the progerty line. <br />I r�corr�end t,hat the �ubdivider deposit the Villa�e casb or bond in the <br />air�ount or :�2, 5;0.00 to co'�✓er �he cos�t of im�rovements as listed b�low. <br />�anitary S�►�rer S�rvices <br />Stre�t Grr�din� <br />Street Trees <br />plus 50 p <br />Tote1 <br />-2- <br />� 6� 5. �0 =- <br />1, 000 . 00 <br />�r 5. o0 <br />�i,7oo.�0 <br />�50.00 <br />��,550.00 <br />