<br />2
<br />�
<br />U
<br />The N. 174.5.3 feet �f tiie E�7 of' tlie �1'; of tlie S�t'i of Sec. Z, T.29,
<br />R.23, except �he ��, 2�6.4 feet ;�hereof, ar.d except the E. 33�.3
<br />f eet tliereoi and except tlie Iv'. 33 f eet ttiei•eof .
<br />' � LS � L�� :? !f-C= ', i-•t,,.,t _a�,.A.1�
<br />Apparent record owners: Jarues A. Radefeldt and Barbara K. Ra�efeldt,
<br />husband and wife, as joint tenants.
<br />The ST. PAUL ABST:�.ACT AND TITLE GUARANT�E COh1PANY does tiereb,y certify
<br />that from an examiiiation of the records in the Real Fstate Division
<br />in the office of the Register of Deeds and/or Registrar o:f 'ritles,
<br />;;
<br />-: in and foi• the County o1' Ramsey and State of hiinnesota, it appears
<br />�i
<br />;� that ttie appareni; owner• or own�rs of the property within a z•ac�ius
<br />#� of 250 feet of tlie above �roperty are as follows :
<br />The N. 334.59 feet of the L� oi the 1;'� af the SW� of Sec. 2, T.29,
<br />R.23, except the �1'. I73 feet thereof, and except the E. 276.3 feet
<br />thereof, and exce��t t�ie N. 33 feet thereof taken for County Road C2,
<br />ai.d except tlie N. 174. 59 f eet of tlle E� of t�ie �Yz of the S`i'� o�' Sec .
<br />2, T.29, R.23, except �`�e i�'. 2�6.4 ieet therE,of, and except the E.
<br />336. 3 f'eet tllereo� and except th� N. 33 :fe�t tllereof .
<br />Apparent z•ecord own�r : Robert S, Tilsen. (�, � �" =� • '�� °�s°'���t
<br />t
<br />The Y�'. 140 feet oi the �. 276.3 feet of the N. 334.59 feet oi the !�i'�
<br />of the S�Y;� of Sec. 2, T.29, R.23, except tlie N. 33 feet thereof.
<br />Apparent Y•ecord owners :
<br />� o� o t�1,9 . C�, l�c� �'�°-
<br />Siegfried H, l3aeckez• and Donna I. Baeckez•,
<br />liusbancl and wife, as joint tenants.
<br />� The �t�. 173 feet of the N. I67 :Ceet of E� oi the �.�'I of the SSY� of
<br />3 Sec. 2, T. 29 I3. , R 23 i�'. , except Ir'. 33 feet thereof taken for
<br />� County Road C-2 and the 14. 33 feet thereof takeii for N. �Q:�x��o�r St.
<br />i .�, fs' 7 � �� - ��' :''�. �-�--'"� .
<br />' Apparent record o�vi�ez�s : irordon Rheaume and Dorottiy R�ieaume, husband
<br />and «�ife, as joirit tenants.
<br />The S. 75 feet of t}ie N, 242 feet of t�ie 1Y. 173 :feet of the E; of
<br />`� ttie ti'; of tlie Sjvl of Sec. 2, T',29, R.23, except tlie ,r. 33 feet taken
<br />fox North Oxford Street.
<br />� � � �. � . �' x.: �,�..v' `
<br />Apparent record o�vners : �Vali;er R. Piotro«�ski and Janet A.. Piotrowski,
<br />husband and wife, as joint tenants.
<br />The ti�'. I73 teet of tlie N. 33�.59 feet of the E� of the �V; of the S�V-.��
<br />5 of S�c. 2, T.29, R.23, except the N. 242 feet thereo� and except the
<br />tii'. 33 feet tllereof takei� foi• Oxiord St. 1 `,.+
<br />�, J1 I 1,.,.
<br />� V � �� /� � It e} r�~���•��_rr/
<br />r�ppai•ent record owners : Ro_y hi, i4'hite and hiae A. i4'hite, husband and
<br />wit�e, as joint tenants.
<br />Beginninb at a poiiit 334.59 feet S. of tlie IrT� corner oi the �;z of �Vz
<br />� of SFt'� of Sec. �, thence 5. 83.6t3 �'eet, tllence L. 521.U4 feet, thence
<br />N. �3 . ti0 :f ee t to a po in t 136 . 3 f eet �� . and 334 e 59 f eet S, of NE
<br />corner of the ��� of S`4'; of section 2, thence «', to point oi beginning
<br />saicl tract containing 1 acre more or less. „
<br />G,L � ''`' i= �„"` f." -. �,.- �;; ;�.:.�°:`�.
<br />Qpgarent z•ecos•d o�„ners : Ral�i� ;�elson �.T1Ci Laua•a 2r'elson, his wife �
<br />That part of S�c:. 2, T.29, R.23, described as iollows: Beginnzng at a
<br />7 point �18. I9 feet S. of the Iv'� corner of tlie '�;� of iv'� of S�v i of said
<br />S�c. 2, thence �. 83.59 feet; thence E. 521.11 feet; thecice N. 83.59
<br />feet to � point �vhich is 136.3 feet �'�. 1I1(.� 418.9 feet S. of the NE
<br />corner of the jti•� of SiY.� of s�id Sec. 2; thence Eti, to the place of
<br />be�inning, cor.taining 1 acre more or less.
<br />t� C� „' f r"� ;� ��, (
<br />�e. :.. k�e.f ;.^, �' � �'� �. ��,..M�•ri�,.��,:f: i
<br />�pparent record o���ners :?;tarvin E. Bullick and Yiviail J. Bu`llick, �"
<br />husband and tivife, as joint ter�ants.
<br />