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�� <br />AFFI�AVIT OF PUB�lCATiON <br />Rarrtsey C�uniy Su�burban Lc f�e <br />1085 Dionne St., Rasevi�le, r��;�ae�ia <br />Sfate of Min�esmta � <br />County of Ramsery I S5. <br />�'ELI7t E,I.[CER[O, bein� duly s�vurn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein statrA <br />has been the Cenerai Manager of the newspuper knoKm �us the Ramsey� County Suburban Life and <br />has fuA knowlodgr ot the faats herein stafed as folloRve: (1) 5sid newspaper is printed <br />In the En�llsh langua�e In newspaper format and in caiumn and sheet form equiva2ent <br />So prloted gpnce !o at leaat 90a square tnches. (2) Said newapaper Is & weekly and ts rlistrib• <br />uted at leaat onc� euch week. (3) Said newspaper has 5090 ot its news eolumns devoted <br />to �ews of lacpt inter.est to Yhe �ommunity which It yurports to serve and does noi wholly <br />ctuplfcate any other Nublication and is not made up mntirely ot patents, plate matter ancl <br />ad��ertlsements. (!) Said ttew�pAper ts circulated !n snd near the �nunicipalfty which it purports <br />ta eerve, hss at leaat b00 co�.ra regutarly delivered to paying subScribers, has en average <br />of at Ieag! 78�'a ot Its total ctrculation currently patd or no more than three monihs in arrears <br />and hga eatry as secand•class matter in its locat post-ot[ice. (5) Said newgpaper purports to <br />scrve the Village af Rosevitle in the eounty oS Ramsey and It has Its known otfice ox lasue <br />in She Y111age af Roseville in said county, establiehed and open d�rxng its regular business <br />hours tar the gathering qf ne�vs, sal� nf advprtisements and sale of subscriptions and mainiained <br />Gy the managing otficer ot said newspaper or nersons in Its emplo}• and :ubject to his direction <br />and control during such rrgular business hours and devoted excluaively during such regular <br />buslness hours tc� !he buslnesa ot th� newspaper snd business related thereto. (6) Said news• <br />paprr lAe� a cop�• o[ ench Issue fmmedlntely wiih the State FIistarical Society. (7) Safd new�paper <br />has cvmpiied w�ith all the foregoing conditions for at least two years preceding the day or dates oC <br />pubUcutlna mentior.ed belo�v. (B) Satd newspaper has filed with the Secretary ot State of 24Linnesota <br />pciar to danuAry 1, 1888 and each January 1 therenfter an affidavit tn the torm prescribed by the <br />5ecretAry ot State and sf�ned by the managing officer ot said newspaper and sworn fo beiore a <br />not�r�� pubIic statr�g that the ne��•spaper is a legal newspaper. <br />He [urthcr statey on onth thet the printeci S�,I D NO T I C� <br />het�to attached as a part hereof way cut from the <br />rnlurilns �f said i�ew�peper. ; nd a�as printed and published therein in the English language. <br />lmce each u•eek, lcr .L <br />Ihe �.5 da}• nt <br />succe�sive ��•eeks: that it t�•as first so published on Wednesday- <br />��U s L9 v7and ���as thereafter printed and published <br />oi� c�•er� lVecines.ia� tt� a�yd i*.cluding the ].� day of F'�'C1� 19 �j�] and <br />thcat the fv:�o�ti•ing i; a prt ,ted cop}• of the lo��-er case aiphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and <br />is herr. ]iC.�'.riO.,�CG��Ed as bein� the size and kind of type used in the composition ar.d pubiication <br />(1( cA1CI qO�ICY. 10 61'il . f^� ^"� •" H 1•_. •,.� <br />Nv. �.�� sF ��i���,i^�� <br />ati.�defghijklmnopqrstua�v��•z <br />. <br />9 � �% + <br />'!�-�� �,�'C�(..-•GL�.L7"7 <br />elix Elicerio Genera! Managtr <br />-- i'� <br />�ut,scnt��+ �r.ti s�errr. t� t*efore tSts '� � da�• of , " ,-- .- . l9 :y' / <br />li'�itS;1Ct81 �c.l�' <br />_. .. �.. .�'irZ.. •._ ,_• - � ..... . , � -._ _ �c. .-�. <br />Nol3ry r;1t�LlC. <br />�`-> C^^,^.iss:^n E.rr�ms <br />Cauaty, 3Sincesata <br />, LS <br />