<br />5.
<br />�
<br />7
<br />:
<br />0
<br />Beginning at a point on the W. line of Goveri�ment Lot 4, Sec. 2, T. 29, '�
<br />';�, R. 23, 1,044.1 fee'- N. of �he SW corner of said Gov2xnment Lot, as point '
<br />�� of beginning, thence E` ly on � line para]_lel saith the S. line of said
<br />`; Government Lot 4, a distarice of 145 .2 feet, thence S' ly on a line
<br />! parallel with the W. l.ine of said Government Lot �+, a distance of 80 feet
<br />� thence W'ly in a straight line to a point on the W. line �f said Govern-
<br />ment Lot 4, �:nich point is 90 feet S. fram the point o� �eginning, thenc�
<br />' N'1y on the W. line of said Government Lot 4 a distancz of 9Q feet to
<br />�; point of be�inning, excepting therefrom the W. 10 feet of said land
<br />co�veyed to the Vil�.age of Ruseville, a Municipal Corporation.
<br />r�
<br />�--. � �' �� ����.���� � <.,r� -
<br />� rf '
<br />AFparent iecord owners : Curtis E. Johnson and Mary B. 3ohrason,
<br />his wife, (as jaint tenants) .
<br />x � * �'�'
<br />'; A11 that part c�f Government Lot 4, Sec. �, T. 29, R. 23, incic�ded
<br />�; within the following boundari.es: Commencing at the corn�x of the
<br />center line of Coun�y Raaci "C" and the E. line of Lakeview Ave ., a
<br />�,; Roseville Village road, thence E,. along s�id csnter linc� of said
<br />- County Road "C", 145.2 fzet, thence N. at right aflgles to said center
<br />'' li.ne of said County Road "C�' and parallel with the E. line of said
<br />Lakevi.ew �,uenue, 300 feet, the�lce !a. at right angles to the last
<br />d�scribed line and parallel with th. center line of said County Road ''C";
<br />145 .2 �eet, thence S' :�y along the E. lin� of said Lakeview Avenue, 30Q
<br />feet to the point of beginnir.g, containing 1 acre, more or less,
<br />e�;.cept tha� part described in No . 4 hereof. ��� ��
<br />4� �,�` � s �
<br />Apparent record owners; Wiltan B. Dob e and �e�or,�iana W. Dable,
<br />husband and wife , ias j o int tenants ).
<br />� �� 74 7r 7�f
<br />�Segir�ning at a point on the t�. lin� of Governm�rit Lot 3 in S�c. 2, T.�9,
<br />�; R. 23 , 10Q fee t N. � f the 5W corneY o f sa id Lofi 3, thence E. and p�ralle�
<br />to the S. line of said Lot 3, 579 feet (more or less) to the center line
<br />of V�.ctoria Road, thence NW' ly along the center lin� of said road, 100
<br />feet, thence W. and parallel to the S. line of said Lot 3, 579 feet
<br />(more or less) to the W. line of Government Lot 3, thence S. 100 �'eet
<br />to the place of begi.nning, cantaining 1.35 acres of land more or les�,
<br />subject t�o the rights of the public in and to the public highway �s now
<br />located on or awross th2 sam�. �
<br />�; � ,,./' �'f' �,� �`��f "��`�'�„���
<br />Apparent record o�oners: Rot�ert V. Moflson and I�rjorie Monson,
<br />husband and wi��, (as joint tenants) .
<br />; ^ ^ �
<br />Be�innir�g at a point on the W. line of Governmen� Lot 3, in Sec. 2,
<br />T. 29, R. �3, 200 fee� N. of SW cc�rner of said Lot 3, thence E. and
<br />parallel �o ttte S. line �f Lot 3, (720 feet, more or le�s) to the shore
<br />o f Lake Owasso , thenc� NW' ly along the shore of Lake �wasso to a point
<br />' 3QQ �eet N � of S. line of s�aid lot measured at right angles th�reto ,
<br />thence W. and parallel �o the S. line of said Lot 3, (E�80 feet, more
<br />or i.ess) to a point on �do line of said Lot .s, 300 feet N. of SW coinex
<br />of sa;d lot, thence S. 100 feet to place of beginning, containing 2
<br />acxes of land, mar� or less, subject to rights of the public in and to
<br />the public hi�hway as no4� located across s�me . �� `Y;.T�,, ��,' ����„�,.
<br />� '� � �
<br />v
<br />��parEnt record awners : Ralph G. I�iiller and �Teronia B. Miller,
<br />husband and �aife ----
<br />� � � �
<br />�
<br />The 6�j. 300 feet of the N. 180 feet ot the S. 480 feet of Government Let
<br />3, Sec. 2, T. 29, R. 23.
<br />�ppa�ent record owners:
<br />L
<br />�
<br />, �,.; •'., d =�� a�-r.a:.�`.�..��.,:�`c'�..�.s.d,�",�'.»
<br />���''�
<br />Donala L. �illespie and Eleanor E.Gille�p�e,
<br />hus band and c�ri fe ,(a: j o int te nants ).
<br />J.
<br />,�� � n
<br />