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...�„ �, � <br />� u►s� n�i: �-a� <br />APPClC;,ANfi: 8an Can Incorp�ated <br />ACTION REQUESTEO: Rtzar►in� kom "R-1" to "R-b" <br />� <br />LC?CATION: Eost of Date S�roet orx! north oF Cou�ty Raad C(seee sketch) <br />''- Pl�iNNING CONSIDERATi�NS: <br />1. fihe p�r4�v tn q�:tian iies west ond ernt oF Motk�bin �treet c� extar�ded and <br />is ��t of a mixfd hausJn� de�velapment plcn previausly discussed by the C4mmis- <br />sian with th+e V'Villn�us intarosts a�d ti�e Ban Con people. Tha iratenl is to hanra o <br />dtv�lopmant o� tawnhouus batwean ��� c�artment creas and the singls-family <br />crac� to the ncNt#� ar�d na�thea:t. Tlws, tha F�mediote single-f�nily area� af- <br />�'ected are pri�cfpollp those of the two c�vefopar� ai the tatcl aron in qu�stion. <br />lslss praviousiy outlined ro the Cor�uuniuion, w� fee) fh�,t the ptoposcl has cansider- <br />able m�ri�a os cn eFficie�t ond dtsirobl� woy of dev�lapinp the to4c�l are�o in <br />qvestior�. <br />�. The a�lirant h� revi�red preli�nir�try sketches t�t th� arsas in questi� indicat- <br />ing ti�e p�cap�tt tow��x►se c�velopmont. ti wearer, thera ero :w specific plar� <br />�il�d w,th the zoni n 0 a p�;alicoti o r�. It is h o pad thvt the a p plit on t wfll lv we � i- <br />tic�ol c�fo�i pr�porod ir�i��icoting ths �oture oF the proposad developmsnt �s � <br />guide #o the �+c�misxian in ccx�tide�ring the reZonir�. The zoning, hawevsr•, is <br />a�e�afots' lagvl c��tior�, whieh c� be co�,sic�sfisd or� its awn m�rits wltr �1�e- <br />q�ent rovi�a� of speca#ic site pio�, elsvotia►res, loaxlscapa pla� as rec�ired for <br />oppravat of tha plon unit dev�lopmont dea'r�n. W� hcve w�aste�d to thE �veloper, <br />how�revar, thot it is desirable to request tha rozcnin� ond ►he site plon �prova! <br />a�i �� tima. lt is haped tfiat additianol infornnction will be avoila�le to <br />demon3ctrab the volidity of tF� re�o�ing pr�pasal. <br />