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<br />Reuben R. Olson and Li�.11an A C Olson are the owners of except t e
<br />E' ly 85 f t thereof , al1 of the following described tract of Land:
<br />commencing at a point on the S Line of the NW14 of Sec 14, T 29, R 23,
<br />1548.49 f t E of the center line of L�xington Avenue, thence N 328.11
<br />f t to a poin� 1�48 .77 f t E of the. center Line of Lexington Avenue,
<br />thence E approximately 227.89 ft to a point on the W line of
<br />V�ctoria Street produced N'ly irom the S Line of said NW4 of said
<br />Sec 14, thence S to the intersection of the W line of said Victoria
<br />Street and th� S Line of s�aid NW4 of said Sec 14, thence W 277061
<br />ft more or less to the point of beg�nning, subject to the rights of th.e
<br />public in roads.
<br />� ��. � ����; � ,� �. � � ��� �
<br />Rodney H. Burwell and Fern L. Burwell are the owners of the E'ly $S
<br />ft of the following described tract: :ommencing at a point on the S
<br />line of NW4 of Sec 14, T 20, R 23, 1548.49 £t E of the center line of
<br />Lexington Avenue, thence N 328.1L ft to a poiint 1548.77 f t E on the
<br />center line of Lexington Avenue, thence E�pproximately 227.89 ft t�
<br />a point on the W line of Victoris Street produced N'ly fromthe S Lin�
<br />of said NW4 of said Sec 14, thence S to �he intersection of the W line
<br />of said Victo�ia Street and the S line of said NW4 of said Sec 14,
<br />thence W 227.6I f t mora or less to point of beginning, subject to
<br />rights of public in roads.
<br />q " '� �^ .`_> �:': � ji ;.r:� b�
<br />Charles H Hop�e and Esther Hoppe/�e the owners oi the 4J� of the
<br />fa1Lo���ing de�cribed tract of l�nd. Commencing at a point Qn the E
<br />and W� section line of Sec 1,4, T 29, R 23 where the samre is intersected
<br />by the W Line of Victoria Street; the nce N'ly on the W'Ly Line of
<br />Victoria Street 79 ft to the point of beginning, thence N'ly along the
<br />W'ly Line of sAid Victoria Street produced 249.02 f�t; thence E'ly
<br />186.96 ft to a point 215.99 ft N of the N line of Victoria Street'
<br />thence S'Ly 215.99 ft to a point in the N'Ly line of said Victori�
<br />Street ��stant L89.27 ft from the point of beginning; thence SW'Ly
<br />along the N' Ly Line of aaid Victoria Street, Z89.27 f t to the point
<br />of beginning said property being in the S12 of the NLJa of Sec i4,
<br />T 29, R 23.
<br />j t� �� 1.;, /J ,
<br />� {1 �•� r �l1 f, y-' '�. ,.,t
<br />Jeanette L. Zuettel are the owners o£ the N 328.L1
<br />f t of the W 624 . 68 f t of the SE�4 of �he NW% oi
<br />8. Herman ?uettel and
<br />f t of the S 6 56 . 22
<br />Sec 14, T 29, R 23.
<br />- ,3 ; ,f % � "' ¢* � � /a . �'? � ti%
<br />J
<br />9. Id�ll L. 7wieg Dahlin is the own�r of the E 63 ft of that parr of the 5
<br />� of the NWa of Sec 14, T 29 N, R 23 W described as follows:
<br />Commencing at A point on the S Line of the NWa of Sec 14, '� 29, R 23
<br />621.40 ft E of the E Line of �exin�ton A�enue, thence N'Ly 328.24
<br />ft to a point G21. 54 f t E of the E line of Lexington Avenue, thence
<br />E'ty 624.54 ft t,o a point 328.11 ft N of the S line of the NW4 of
<br />Se� I4, T 29, R 23, thence S'ly 328.11 ft to a point en seid S line
<br />�f_ the N��l.� of Sec 14, T 29, R 23, 1245.8 f t E of the E Line oi
<br />Lexin�tan A�enue thence s�long said S Iine 624 .4 f t to a point of
<br />beginning.
<br />