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Planning Files
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386 Brooks
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U <br />� <br />r� <br />� <br />September 3, 1969 <br />CASE NO: <br />APPLIC�INT <br />LOCATION: <br />�c• .• <br />Richard O'Dea <br />Southwest corner of Brooks Avenue and Western Avenue <br />ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Side Yard Variance <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />1. The property in question is a 100 foot lot fronting on Brooks Avenue with a <br />depth of 135 feet on Western Avenue. The appiicanfi proposes to add a <br />family room to his home and a two car garage which would result in a 24 <br />foot setback off of Western Avenue rather than the 30 foot required by the <br />ordinance under normal conditions. <br />2. As you will recall in the past, one of the reasons of maintaining a 30 foot <br />setback on both streets in the case of a corner lot is tc maintain adequate <br />line-of-sight distance for drivers approaching the intersection. In this <br />case you wi I I note from the sketch at the left that the proposed garage <br />structure is setback 48.3 feet from Brooks Avenue and would be 24 feet from <br />Western Avenue. Under these conditions, the iine-of-sight dimension would <br />result in a better condition than that which would exist if.the garage structure <br />were 3Q feet from each street: In other words, it would appear that the <br />reduction of the 30 foot setback to a 24 foot setback is relatively unimportant <br />in this case, inasmuch as it does not reduce the normal line-of-sight standards <br />nor does it impose any deleterious effect upon a contiguous property. <br />3. We note from the appl i cant, that he proposes to construct a fam i ly room <br />11.5 feet wide between fhe kitchen and the garage and a 2 car garage <br />19 feet wide. Though it may decrease the 24 foot setback to Western <br />Avenue in question, we suggest that the applicant be questioned as to <br />whether or not he may desire to build a garage slightly wider than 19 feet <br />if it is �intended to function as a two car garage. For the property in <br />question, it is rela� ively unimportant to whether the setback is exactly <br />24 feet or something slightly less. The additional width on a garage may <br />be extre�mely important in making it a workable two car garage facility. <br />
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