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ro.. a:b r���r.�•��ci��+s co sr +.,.�;. .a �,n <br />THIS CONTRA�C7 ,1PPROVED 61' ST. P�flARD �F REALTORS, INC. AND BY THE EXECUTIVE �CIL OF THE RAMSEY COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION (N 1465 <br />EARNES� MONEY CONTRACT <br />`%��$ d� �►��'S�%���+ 3 illSiil fi.0 Minn.� 19_ <br />RECEIVED 0 �}� A ^ __ ♦ �%8 corparat �pn, <br />�Y� �.i V ���!•i�M�w�w�r�rs��.����� �r�i�M�YMriMr <br />the sunn of �� _(s S. Qd ) Dollars <br />py _ Ch@Ck <br />(ChecM, CnsA or Note — Stata W'�Ich) ^s earnest money and In part payment for !he purchase of propetty <br />� <br />situ�t��d In the County o��ey _ , State of Mlnnesota, and Iegally described as follows, to wit: <br />The �test 450 gee� of th� Sr�uth 7S0 fe�t �f� �h� �ta►r�h��t lf4 Qf S��tion A, <br />T�� �h p 2� R n e 23; ar�d th� P�c�x°tl� 5� f�e t of tt� 5outh 8�y���� raf th� <br />W�st 8 f�e� o� �the �c�,st 450 e�t � the �oil�isac,� de��rib�e� �►a��ei a <br />�'he Soc�th 3� acre� o� the ,South�st 1,�� �£ th� �3'�rt��� 1% �f S�c�#.c� �, <br />Tc�nship 29, Rar�qe 23, Rsa���r +Ca�taty, sub��et tr� s��re�r�s �nd ��t�e��t�+ <br />inciuding <br />traverse rods, drapery rods, IIQAting flxtures, plumDing fixtures, hot water tarks and heating plant (with any 6urners, tanks, stokcrs and other e uf c on therewith), <br />water softener and Ilquid gas tank and controls (Ii the properry of seller), exterlor televlsfon antenna,incinerator, dish sposai, built•in ovens, cook-top stoves, afr <br />conditloning equlpment, carpeting, stalr carpeting, and other bullt-In utlllty e u a ed on said premises except <br />�„Qf y�f� roperty the underslgned, as ap�1.N��seller, has th(s day sold to the bu er for the sum of����'����� ��8�� �� 1� �iQ ���,1 <br />�lJ�a. .....�.�..M...,.e.�._...,.....__...a..,..r.»........... ��, �4�.Q�} <br />(S - ? OOLLARS, whfch the buyer aQrees to pay In the foltowing msnner: <br />Eernest moneY hereln pald (S� `�� and S 1� •���• ��, cash, on or before ���� �� �°10+� ��iQ � <br />wCJect to ,ertormance Dy the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a <br />Dy spouse, If any) conveying marketable title to said premises subject only tu the fcllowing exceptions: <br />(a) Reservations of any minerals or minerai rights to ?h State of htinnesota. <br />(b) Rfghts of tenants as hereinafter set forth: <br />Seller covenants that buildin� jj a� are entireiy withln thz boundary lines of the prc ert <br />���� Fai�3 b� ��.e smli�r <br />Taxes pa>able in the ye�r shail be <br />Spec�a� asse;;•rents ,n�.lu�mg wate� �r�ntage tat, iF any, for Nerp completeu on site pnor te date cf this cHer shall be paid Dy the selle� <br />;lll etn�r spec�al assessmenis, if any, sh�ll De pa�d b•r the puyer <br />Seller warrants that he has no hnewledge or any plannad improvements which m3y result In special assessments ezcept: <br />The s21{er fvrther agrezs to deliver actuai possessicn on or Defere <br />cero,tions ci th�s �¢reement have b=rn ���^�p.•��;7 ,v�th i,ti�s sale shal! be clesed on er Defpre, �'prl.t �J' Z�C7 <br />Warranty Oeed (to be joined In <br />provided that all the <br />ihe Cuy:r ar,cf sell�r al;o mut::a y a�ree tnai pr;-rata ad�ustmerts cf :nterest and c�ty water ,and, �n Lhz .ase ot income preperty, current operating ezpenses and rents) shall be <br />adjusted as ct <br />in t^e �ven; ;ni; pr.p�r,y i; dectruyed er danagee Dy fire or any other cause betor� the c!c;,r,g cate, this agre>meni shali beceme null and void, at the purchaser's option, and alt <br />ricnies pa d h�reunvzr st+111 to rchaser, <br />��� ��� <br />�!�a s� r r,na�1 s r�r__ aap; ahzr appreval ot t^ ; ag-•�e—.ent. ��rn�s:� an aCs,ra=t of t�tle certified to date or register?d property report to include <br />preF �e:� r ever.�k ev.�d aro � n� �3 ��sa» n!; p3nnrupt;�es, and Sta!e and FeG�rai j��gTenrs antl i�ens in? buyer shall be aiio�ved !0 days after receipt thereof for ezaminaticn <br />oF Sa ;t. ar,i t7e m�K r3 cf a�v eo;e t � ,er [ „ d uD,ect ar„ ,� p� mada ,n ,vr�,��g c• p�znz� ,, D: ro��v�tl. It any o��ect�cn; are so mad2 the seller shall be auowed 120 days to <br />m�n :n e T�e t� F�n�, ,5 crr � �n c� t i ne pay�^e^ts hereur.�er requ�red sna.l �e postpcnzC D�c upon ccrrvct,cr cf t�tie and rv�thin 20 eays after wrltten notice thereof, the <br />Ct,v r 5 ��: p. � ,r 5,.y r ant .t�c,r.: n5 t� i..,rm� <br />'1 � d s, �rk��ao a❑d , �� a�e sc �� t�m ;ZO Gay� 'rem the dat� of written ob;ect ens tnereto as abcve pro�n,?ed, ;n�s agreement shall b? void, and neither principal <br />s e_.�r r� a. F_r i r; �� ,n ;,,al anc all on�y c�eretoicr= paid br tti� Cc,��r sha!I be retureed; ,;ut �f th� t�tle to sa�d proFerty be found marketable, or be so <br />ma� o. , r �. , y �� n� �,,� � 3�1 r.;. e` ,ne ae .�Tents 3nd -o�^; rue �r, aurau;t t�r a pericd cf 1� ;ays, then and �n th3t zvent the seller may t?rminate this cuntract, <br />��u �>;r r T�� = 3y ,, ;;„_ _��� ,,"ntract sha11 be r�ta'n.J b. sa�d sel!?r anC sa�d a6en?, 3; th?ir resp�cLve interest may aCPear, �s li�uidated Qamages, time being <br />ef n , � a n � , ,�. 3; �� p„;�n�� p��.., �� ��z gnt cf ;nfer:ing t 2 sp_:i(ic perferm3nce o' tn�s ccntract providzd such contratt shall not oe terninated as <br />a`e� a•. a � *� a cn �z , -;z � e;fer 3_� ;n3;1 p2 c�mme _ee w th�n s�c menths atter secn righ; ci act�en shall arise. <br />'' S<<� a t =+� a� �e a:ts �,�t C.,n_en tne p..r� �s, �nd neitier par,y Cas re.,?d .,p.r, any ver0ai rEp;zsen!at�cns, agreements. cr untlerstandinqs not s�t forth h?rg�n <br />w0,.. � ma_�_ p�� a,.�. >��_n, nr a h� n., t,. <br />1 __ _ . ` <br />i.12 C2!i4Z!) Of dii �,3�2�5 3l;�j RIC��?S Sh3�l �2 !`1342 3C i�L' C�C2 C} � •� ��Fy �� 7r� V i � �.?G�� �i �l. ��y,j����i. <br />�, tf Z U:��?+'S�61�d, 5?{�2f Li th� a0ov� ��(!�, �C �2fnh a 7CV'.' t r <br />..}' ��� <br />tAe sDe�re agreeTzn; anC tr,e sale U:er2Dy rade. <br />Fttl��t'� Cf?� �t.QG`3' i�P�i , I� C, <br />SeHer <br />Seiler <br />�� <br />Agent <br />I �ereDy agr?e to purcAase tAe sald ptoperty for the pr(ca and upon the terms <br />a�cre mentloned. <br />�I�� � ��i��Y� <br />Buyer <br />By <br />BBuyer <br />� <br />iHlS iS IiiiE,YD:D TQ B� A LE�.�LLY 51yDi'�G C��YTF�iCT, f�R ���,�i ;;y�l�t IPI COYiIECiIOV WITN THIS TRftNSACTIO�i, CONSULT YOUR LA4'1Y�R. <br />