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m <br />NOTICE OF PUI3LTC I�f�`,,RI�IG <br />'l'4 WiiOM IT MAY CON��RN; <br />::I <br />No�ice is h�reby g�Ve� �llm�t the V�11a�� Councxl of �i�� Ya2 � a{�� e�� <br />Rosevil��, 27aI Mo2��h Lexington Avc�nuQe �asc�vill�, uinn0�otad ��ill <br />meet m� 7:30 P�4��, MAnd�YD �prii 29D ?[96$n a� th�s �1���.w�� �i�13 �o <br />��nsid�r �he foliora�n� ��qu�st: , <br />Finai p�gt �n Rosad�,�c� CenEQ�r P�.x°��� Anda��c�n 3oc���;�d or� <br />Snalling A1+snu� b�tc�r��i; Coun�}r Re��sd B,� n,7� T,l�n .��p gr,g�lly <br />describe�d a� ial �ows ; <br />bEC�l1L D�SCRZI"rIOIV: <br />Tha� paat o7 th� Nortli 1 f2 of the Sr�u�hwest Qu��r•e�� �,�� rh� North�, <br />^ �ast Quar�er lying ,�asi of �he tY�sC 1S ac�res �i»a�o�a €hs Suuth .1/d fSF Ee9°3 <br />S�utha►est C,ua�te� of thm titr�xtheast �r�r�er sub jec� ta f:h� �-i�h� of �� <br />of Fai�rviva Rvsnuo (LadC� Jvh�nna Road) t the NarC2tEias� � <br />Sou$h�ast Qu$rter of �he �Yort�iease QuartQr; ti�� Se�ugh�,c��eY(2uar� r�c�f �h� <br />Southeas� Qu�tor of �}�� ,�oxtti�ast Quarter; �te� So�,�h�3��t c�c,.�r2ar o�F <br />the Sout'��ast Quarter of �h$ Morthoas� <br />�sy Qf 5n�li +ng� Avonu� ('1 �ank H� hN� �uartox� sub j�y�� ta �4he ri�h� E�� <br />tlie Sut;thenst Quarter subjact to�,t�t�Zp�' �ny ��� Pg�s��,���A,�renucl�� <br />(�tt��o .I�h�nn� Road) ancl '� r•ank t�i�hway M� , zb � �nd �h� ' <br />of Lh�l Southaust Qua�tex arcept t1�i� l�art th�z�o�' r�Irar:t,�ad 1zs��,f�inen�lles r;a,s <br />Numbr,r 'Il�o; alI in SQct�on S�, Toc�rnsl�fp 29D �an��� ?3o I���as��,� Cv�rraty� r'din�� . <br />�ccerdan� tc� tll� p,o�+errirr.�nt �vr�►� � <br />B�Aik S; Lors 1 th�rouRh 3 3nclu ivu,�i3Eock�G;�and Po��s�lu�llrou hnc.iu�ivQ, <br />al,ck 7; all in L�anon }d�a�hts N�nb�r 'I��o accorcifr�� � 22 :ine.t;�>:,v��; <br />�$�e anci of recnz�c+ in thQ o�fico a� the lto�i�ter o�' I1���dh��}�j���dhR3�nsev�, <br />r'ounty, sub,�ecC to �he z•xa�11r of w�y of Trunk 1fit�t�►�;�y ��c� 3;ze xll �i,�,: <br />part af vac�t��i hlciinQ S�r�3�, vacated Cope �lt,�ru� ��i�c����i r . <br />and vAcatecl R�y Str�ot� 3s F�lat�t�d �n s�id Lo�n�� ;r4 , Lovell �v�n;t� <br />and all tha� ��ax� of the �ac��e�l S�reeE lyin�� R�o�i::zLF.�tvs �1'�rn���r 'n;�; <br />to saiel ldlack 5, xs �iat�e��! in sa�c! Loinon i�� ��7h�s V�sril��rQ'iwo�� E���A :e�r��.. . <br />to easarsnts of xaGo�c� ,�lso si:b�ce� to r.h� rz�?h�: ot �r�y o� �ai.EntyJ'zor d~ . <br />B�� �va� tho abo�� descx�ia�cl pbrop�r.•�y, <br />���� � � � � � � f% <br />___..�_. c..._ _,",;;�:.��,v<.—ti:f:*�...;,.,�--ra,5'' <br />`'Yr: �. �. � ("': �' 1. �TI c n'v P ' .. �..,..,,._. <br />