<br />Regular of the Village Cc►uncil - hi�reh 11, 1968.
<br />'fhe Village Cowicil rr�t on the above date with the followinR
<br />members present: Mayor Moll, Councilmen Curley, Grauel, Linebar�er
<br />�nd Shields.
<br />Curley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that the planned development for
<br />Dayton's Rosedale Shoppin� Center be approved as recommended by
<br />the �'lanning Com�nission. Roll Call, Ayes; Curley, G�rauel,
<br />Linebarger, Shields and tiSol l, N�ys : None.
<br />Curley Floved, Grauel Secondec:� that the minutes of the mee�in�
<br />of February �6, i968, be approved. Ro�l Call, �yes; Curley,
<br />Grauel � Lineba�Aer, 5hields and Dioll, Nays ; Ncne.
<br />Grauel �foved, Shields Secon�ed� that the request of Robert Long
<br />for rezonin� from R-1 to R-2 at 223y St, Stephens Street be denied
<br />as recomn�ended by the PlanninR Commissi.on. Roll Cal l, Ayes ; Curley,
<br />Grauel, Linebarger, Shields and hfoll. Nays: None,
<br />�rauel Moved� Shields Seconded, that th� request fc�r vacation
<br />f Ida Avenue between County Road B-2 and Grandvie�+ Avenu� be
<br />ontinu��� until March 25, 1968, Rol l Call, Ayes ; C»� ?�y, Gr�uel,
<br />inebarger, Shields and Moll, 1Jays: Nor�e.
<br />�ields Moved, Curley Seconded, that the final plat on IVestwood
<br />llage, Plat 1, be approved and that the variance on parkin� set-
<br />ck at C�ounty Road C and tilackubin be approved, subject to the
<br />ditional space of S feet between buildinRs as rec�mmen�ied by the
<br />anning �Commission� and subject to the opinion of t}�e Villa�e
<br />torney regarding easements. Roll Call, Ayes; Curley, Grauel,
<br />nebarger, Shield� and h4o11. Nays : None.
<br />ields Niuved, Grauel Sec�nded, ehat the error in leAal descri�tion
<br />the t�'eitzman property a�� Judith and Namline be referred to t}ie
<br />torney f'or correction. Roll Call� Ayes; Curley, Grauel,
<br />nebarRer�, Shields and i�bll. Nays : None,
<br />�,uel hloved, Curley Seconded, that the applicatior� submittec] by
<br />eville Luthexan Church for variance in front yard setli,zck at
<br />nwood and Ryan Avenue be approved, subject to the dedicztion of
<br />feet of right-of-way for Fernwood Avenue as> recommendeci by the
<br />nning C�ommission� Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Linebar�er,
<br />elds an�� Mol l. Nays ; None,
<br />�lds hfoved, Gr�uel Seconded, that a pub2ic hear�,ng be established
<br />April 8, 1968, on the Amundsor. xezoning request and the Lyons and
<br />e requ�;st. Roll Call, Ayes; Curley, Grauel, LinebarRer, Shiel�s
<br />�ioll, N.ays; None.
<br />!ds Nlo;red, Grauel Seconded, that a public hearin� be established
<br />�pril 15, 1968, on the Garley rezoning request and the Nioshou
<br />ning r�quest, Roll Gall, Ayes: Curley, Grauel, Linebarger,
<br />!ds and Moll. Nays: Yonee
<br />�arger Moved, Shields Seconded, that the variance request of
<br />Con, In��� at 2409 Cohansey Str�et be approved as recommended by
<br />�lanning Cownission. Roll Call� Ayes; Curley, Grauel, Lir.ebarger,
<br />lds and. Mol l. Nays : Ncne.
<br />7:30 P.M.
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