�t la agreed, ?�xever, tbat the I3cvela�er sY��►1.1 aubmiL a vrittea schedul,e
<br />.indicatiog th� progr�e�s scgedul,� e,,� o��r oP co�2eLion of vcark eov�ere�d by tt�ia
<br />��ct. It is Purther agre�i that u�an receipt of vritten n+�t3ce tro� the
<br />Lera'loper of the exietence of causaa over whicb th� D�velaper -tea� no cootrol
<br />�rhiab rKll de.lrry the c��rgl�tion of Lk�� vorl�, the yille�ge (,buncil, in ite niecre-
<br />Li�, msy �xtetsi tb� dat� here�,nbefc�re spe�i2'ied for caAp2etioa � tb0t an,y buna,
<br />requirr�d eba11 be continued to cover the vork during this exteaeinn of time. yG
<br />3s di�ti�:ctly tu�er�t�o�d e�d, ,a,gre�d Lba�t r►11 vor�c cover�ri by contra�t eball be�
<br />done at r.o expe�ame to tbe Yils.�ge a�' Ao3eville e�cc�pt a� provid�d in the sgecilal
<br />eoadi�'o�e sttac�ed> bereto and �acie a part h�reof.
<br />T�►e D�ev�lope;e ehe31 not do e,ny r�ork or furni�� nny materS,ala oot cove� by
<br />�� P�e ��pe`����icatio�� and epeci.el conditio�z� o� tbis contx�ct, f�r xhicb
<br />s"�imDur�ement ie �cted fzcm the Yilinge, unle�e euch tirork i� firet ordered lo
<br />writ�ing b�r the Yi118,g� �.s proviaed in th� specificgtion�.
<br />My sucb tirork or materials which may be daue or Pu�niahed by the contrsctor
<br />vitbout suc� xrl;tten ortier tirst being given eball be at, bi►: oxn risk, co�s� and
<br />axpe�se� aad be bereby agreeg that without euch tirritte� onier be xill melce no
<br />c1e►.tm for c4mpenBe�lon for work or materials sa dons or fur�iebed.
<br />Tt is furtber ngreed, enything to the contr�ry herein not-xithstanding,
<br />tbat tbe Vl11�8@ or A�seviLle, Yillage Oouncil aud ite e�ente or cm�ploy+�es ahw11
<br />oot ba p�raonally liabl�� or responeible in any msnner to the D�veloper, the De-
<br />ve2�oper's contract,or� or subcontractors, material. men, labarere or to any otber
<br />p�rson or pereone whomsoever, f�r any claim, demerid, clsmage8, actions or cnusea
<br />of action of aay kind or charscter erising out of or by r�aeoa of tt�e executian
<br />o! this agreement or the perPormance, completion or desi� of the work and the
<br />improv�mente provided herein, ar� th�►t tbe Developer �rill �ave the Vi11�►ge harm-
<br />l�s� frvm nll �uch claime, demands, dem�gea, actions or Cduaee oP action or the
<br />Costa� d�sbarsements a�d expenses of defending the seme.
<br />It� ie f�ther agreed tbat the Developea� tirill, �turni8b the Plllage of Aa��villt, i
<br />upon eacecution oP tb,is contract, a corporate surety bond in the e�zqunt of E
<br />f
<br />i1ri,:teen t2u�usaaci one hu:�.i: cxi ar,ci ainctY•�ic� 11ax � aad noj 10f� ..1 1,(,�) (
<br />tbe estimsted cost oP the pm poaed improvement covered by tbis contra�:t and +�180 `
<br />she�.11 �urniah prooP of insurance co�reriag any pub',tc liability or pmgerty de- ;
<br />msge by reasoa of the operation oY tbe Developer's equip¢�ent, laborere, arrl .�
<br />hs�rrl cauBed by e�id improvement. i
<br />'t
<br />'Ibis egr�ement shall not relieve the contrac.tor from any oP tbe pmvisions �
<br />of Ci�agt�r 2D of tbe Villsge Oode, or any otber applice�ble Code r�eqw.rements. f
<br />It ie further agre�i and uacierstood, thst "Minnesota Department of Hi�hxays�
<br />3�reciYicatioae Por Bi�hxay Construction� 1964" aad its eugpl�ments tbexeto iB
<br />incorporated in ar�d made a part oP thie contract by apecifie refererce ar�d the
<br />- eame shall eonetitute a gart of tbe p],ans aad, specificativns referr�ed to io this
<br />' e,greemeat.
<br />..� :
<br />Zt is further �greed thst upoa Pina� acceptance by the Village of the coa-
<br />struct�on l.ieted on i�ge l�, tbe Developer xill fu�vish the Village � me►intenance
<br />t�ond 6uarenteeing eaic� vork for a period of one yr,�ar,
<br />' -2�
<br />:; : : �
<br />