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�► <br />� FcIN� <br />NOTI(.E OF PUhLIC f1F.�1 <br />TO W1iUN i7 MAY CON(�ftN:. <br />[�otica is hereby givon that tha Villa�e Council of tha Village of Roseville� <br />2i01 Nortt� 1.exington Avsnue, Rasevill@, Minnesotu, will meet at 7:30 P.M�.. <br />Monday, August 19, 1968, �t tho Yillagg }fall to �onsi�ter the followinR requasi: <br />Final Plat on I�ose�ville 'Terrace �'lat Noo II Addition located at Hamline Avonu� <br />and Brenner Avanue extBnclad, legally de�cribed as follow�: <br />� � <br />All Lhat part of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) vf the Northwast quarZex (N1V 1/4) <br />lying sautha�sterly of State 'lycunk IiiRhway 51, e�rcd the South ona-half (S 1/2) of <br />the Northaost quarter (NW 1/4) �11 in Ssction three (3), To++nship Lwenty�r�ino (29) <br />North, Ranga LWenty-thr�e (23) iVest� lying easC of 5tata Trunk l9iRtexay S1� excopt <br />tha Nor:h tt►ree hundred twonty�-six (Na 326) feet aE tho South one thousared ono <br />hundxad forty-three (5,1143) feet nf the E�st fou� hun�+rod sevonty�six (E•.d7b) <br />fest �hereof, anct also all of Governm�nt Lat faur (4) in 5ection thr�o (3), To�rnship <br />t�aentY-nine (2y) Northa Rang� taoaty�three �23) West. axcept part lying east of <br />Ncimlin� Avenu�, eacept parts talcan for Rasovillo Terraco Plats 1, 2, 3, 4„ S, b� <br />�, 8 snd 9. al�o excopx the South 135 femt of the Nlast 24U feet of ttaat part o� the <br />Northraeat quart�er (t�d 1/�') of tho Section threa (3), Township trronty=nine 429), Range <br />tr��nty-thr�e (23} lyis�g nor�h of tha north line of Rosovilie Terraco Plat 6, and <br />�ying e�st of the east lina of Roseville Terrace plat 7� also excspt that part of <br />Gorasnmer�t Lot four (4} and the South o��mhalf (S. 1/7) af tdorth�vost quarter (N►�i 1/4) <br />of Section three (3} To++nship Lwea�ty-nine (29), Range tr+ent�r�three (23�) described <br />�s folln��: Beginning mt tne in�rsection af the North line of Raseville Torrac� <br />P3at � and �he center lino of Hamline Avenue; thence running North ai saiJ ��nter line <br />489 feat; thenco Wast �L right angles to said centar lfns 183 feet; thence North <br />p�rallel to said centar line 200 fdet; thence Nor:hwesterly to the South corner of <br />Lat ei�t (8�a �3�ock seventaen (17), Rosaville Terraco P3at 8; tt,ence tV�st �nd 5outh� <br />��ast+ariy o� the Southerly lin� of Roseville Tenac,e Plat 8 to a p�int 240 fae� E�st <br />of the Eastorly line of Roseville Terrace Plat 7; thence South parallel to tho Eas� <br />line ai Rasoville Tersace plat 7 a distance of I35 feet to tha North lino of Ros�ville <br />Torrac,� Pl�t 6; thence East on the Nogth Iine of Ros�vill� Texracs Plat 6 to �he <br />t�art�,a�ast cornar Lit�roof; thonce Sou�th on the East line of �oevai�o Terrac� Plat 6�o <br />th� Idorth of Rosov�.11e Terrace Plat 4; thencs East on said No��h �.i�s of Ro��vglle <br />Tar3ace Pla� 4 io tiio point of t�eginning; se�b jact ta H�Iin� Avenu�; also �xc�pt tt�a� <br />gart dascrit��d as foll�se B�ginning at tha inter�oction of �he N�rth lina af <br />Roseville T�rraca giat 4D �nd the center lin� �f fia�l�n� Av�n�s� thc�t�e Nor�th 48g fe�t <br />on sa�d centerli:na to the point off bogianing; thc�Ge �dast 183 fss�; th�r� No�r'th <br />pgrallel �o said c�nteac lir�e to a point 3D f�� So��h and pBrallel �i� th� North <br />�ine of Roseville Tarra� Plat 6, (b�ing tt» North o£ Sronn�r Av�nu�) extand�ci <br />ezst9ratd: tha�co £ast �o tho csnter Iine of 1��a1'ueo Awenu�, tho�ee So�rth alsmg �aici cea�tnr <br />li�e� L� Lh� point of bsgitming, a�coa�ding �o t%e lt�ited St.�ses Ga�srnc�ent Suxve�r ��reaf� <br />A�d �12 tha2 part of G+ov�ornmen� Lflt faur (4) �r►d �ia� Sotath one-half (S_ 1%2,j of No�th�rest <br />qt�ater (N�t I%4� of S�ectioa Lhrs� ( 3} , Raarmmshag� L��n�y��ine {ZS) , Aange tvr�nt�r=ttar�e <br />Ez33 d�scr��d as fogia�so S�girania�g at the in�rs�cti�on of �ho �orth �aaa� af <br />Ros�vil�e T�rr�ce Plag 4 and th� �snt�r iin� of Ha�Iins Aorenu�; the�nce running No�cth <br />�a ��id ca�a�er lin� 489 f�ety �h�nc� �Fes� at right ,asiglss t� said canter lins� 183 f�et; <br />tla�n�e ir��tit pairallel t� sa$c� cc��t�r lins 2�0 ���t, th�nc� North�astsriy to tn� Sc�uth <br />�ar�er �f Lat aig3�t t8) � Block sa+�ent��n (I7} q Rosaville '��rtace Pl�t �, thence <br />(oant 7 nu�d 9n fol1��►ing gag$} <br />