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��' <br />� <br />TA IYtiUM IT MAY CONC}sRlV � <br />NOTICE OF PUt�LIC lIEARING <br />Notice is hereby given that the Vi11aRe Council of the Village af KosevilZe� <br />2701 North Lexington Avertue, Roseville� Minnesotn, will me�t as 7030 P�M�. <br />Monday, August ly, 1968, at th� Village llall to consi�er ihe followinR raquest: <br />Finai Plat on Roseville '�erraco Ylat ho� II Addition located u� Hamlina Avenue <br />snd Branner Avenue extonded, legally described as follows: <br />All that part of �.he Nor�liwe�st quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northwest quarter (Nt� 1/4) <br />lying south�agt�r�y of State Trunk Hiqhway S1� and the South onomhalf {S 1/2) of <br />the Noxe�har�se quar�tar (N1sl 1/A) ell iii Ssction three (3), To►anship t�enty�n�ne (29) <br />North, R�ngc! twcraty�three (23� 1Vest, �ying east of State Trunk IIi�hNay S1, except <br />tho North 4lir�e hur►dred Lwe�tYy-six (No 326) fest of the Sauth ona thousand one <br />hunds�d forty�thr�e (S� 1143) f�at of tho East fc�ur hum3red s�vontymsix (E.,476} <br />fo�t th,ea�a�fo and also all of Govesnment LqY £our (4) in Sectio7 three (3)s Townst,ip <br />t��n�y�nine (29) North, Ra�ge twenty-thrse (23) t+�est� excerL gart lying east of <br />Hamline Avenr,�� �xcept par*s taken £or Rosevilla Teraace Plats 1, 2, 3, 4, S, b, <br />ig 8 gnd 3, alsv exce��t tha Sou�h 135 f�et of the Wost 240 faet of that part of the <br />Northw�e�st quarter {NW 1/��) af tha S�ctia�n threo (3), Township tw$nty�aine (Z9), Ran�� <br />�twerntymthree (23j iying north of Lhe north line of Ros�ville Terrac� Plat 6, and <br />lying eas� of tt� east lin,e of RoseWilla Terrace �'lat 7, also except that part af <br />Gov�rnment Lot faur (�) �nd the South onemhalf (S, i/2) �f Northwast qua.rter �MW 1i�6) <br />of Sestion ttrx�ee (3) To+vnship twentymnine (29), Range t�►onty�threa (23) sisscriia�d <br />�.s.s fa�llows� 8�ginning at the intersectaon o� tho I�arth line of Ra�svillo 'Tegrace <br />pia� 4 rand �h� cent�� li�n of Hamli�� Ave�ue; thence rimning Jdorth on said c�ntar li�� <br />4�9 f�e�� thence West at right angles to said centor lins 1�3 feot; thence lVor�th <br />pa�rallel to �aid e�nter l�n� 200 feet; thence�Northw@sterly i� tho South co�nor oi <br />Lcat eight (83, Bl�ck sevonte�n (17) a Ros�vill� Terrace Piat 8; thence 4Vest �d Sou��a <br />a�starly on the Southerly lir�a of Ros�ville Terxace Pl�t 8 go � poi�t 24t? fa�t �a�t <br />of th� EasterBy li�e o� Ro�eville Terrace Plat ?; thencc South p�r�llel to �he East <br />lina of Rosovalie Terrace f�la� ? a distanc� of 1�5 f�at to th� Nmrth line of Rosevii3e <br />T�Brace Plat 6; thence E�st an tho North lins af Rossvil2e T�rr��� Plat 6 to th� <br />t�orLhAast cornor theraof; then�� 5outh on ti�e EaSt Zine o� Rsoevall� Tera�ac.� Pl�t 6 ta <br />tha �orth line of Rosavil2+� Te�race iP lat 4 9 thence Ea�t on s€�id Rtox�th line s�f Ro��►rs 1 ia <br />Torrace Plat 4 to t}a� poir�t of b�gfnning; sub j�ct to Hamline Avenue; �2sa exc�pt tha�t <br />part describ�d as folaa�rge Beginning at tha antersaction a£ the North lin� af <br />Ros�vil�e Terra�e Plat d, and th� centeP I�ne of li�mline A�venu�s th�ce Morth �$9 f�e� <br />on said conte�line �o the point of begiraraing; thence tiV��� I83 fe�t, thsn�� Nor�h <br />parallel t� said cen��r lin� t� a poi.nt 3� fe�t Sauth �nd p�ra�l�l w�th �h� North <br />line of Rosaville T+�r�ca.ce Plat 68 �boin� t,he North line �f Brenner Aa�nue�) ��t�nd�d <br />e�staaxd; thence �ast Lo the canter Iine af Ha�in� Avenu�; thefn�� Ss�uth along ��3d cant�r <br />line to ti3� p�int of i:�s�in�ing� �cco�ding to th� llnited States �overr�men� Surv�y ��r�ofo <br />�nd aIl 4h�� part of vov�rnm�nt Lo� fc�ur (4) a�d t.�o South oneohalf (Sa �/2� o£ Nc���hwe�t <br />a�u�ztor (Nt�f I/4� of �ction Lhr�� �3� p Ta�nn�ha.p ��nQy�nin� (2�), Rango �a�n�y�ttzr�� <br />(Z3� ��czibod as foI loras s�gisaa�ing �t tkis �r��erssc��an oF th� Nnrt� air�a of <br />itusev�.11e Terrac,�r p�a� 4 and �tae ��nier lir,e a� li�mline A��rgu� ��I�e�aca ru�ning Nar�h <br />o�a �a�id c�nger lir�� �8� fa�t; 4,henee West a� right angies tcs saad cent�r lia�� I�3 f�et, <br />t�nen�o NortEa parail�l �o s��c2 cen2�r iino 2t�0 igat; �h�nca Kaath���t�r1p �S �ha S�u�h <br />coa�ner of Lot oi�ht (8�a Bloc.jcc s�v�nt�en �17}, Ro�odille Tn��ce Fla� 8; �hance <br />�aont�nu$d �n foi2u�ring pag�) <br />