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� <br />�1'� I I� L .A � � <br />: <br />_ � ;� <br />� <br />� R������� ���r�E���:�.= <br />s������a� 20, �s�� <br />Mr. Jot�n �V. Jackson <br />2114 ue�I�.et Av�ntae <br />5�. Paule Minnes�ata 5�105 <br />Dezr Mro �acksan: <br />,:. <br />.';: <br />. {; <br />���;- <br />Thank you �ar your letter of S�pt��nber 15, 1967, reqarding the <br />conies �f notices of public hearing lzsld by tl�o Roseville Councii <br />which you axQ receivin�. Thes� notxces ar� b�ing sent to you - <br />because your nam� appears as th� resard ownQr on t}se fnllnwin� <br />legally describecl property: <br />The 5outtY 183 feet of the tVast 438 Feet of Governmenti <br />I.�t 3, Section 3, Tawnship 29, Ran�;e 23, exccr� �}ie <br />�iast 75 �eet and axcept the West 2R2.29 f�eL t]��rQ�f. <br />Tho oe,mexs nf record for tliis p�rcel Axe Joh�t Fr'. Jackson and <br />Anna Leo Ja�kson, as shown on th� records of �he Abs�ract Clerk <br />of Ramsey Cvunty, as af i)ecem�e�r 8, i966. �Ve ar� by law requixod <br />to nt�ti£y owners of record on certain aetions. 'thus� if you do <br />own this prnPe�rty even 'tltai�gh yoti do ��ot liv� in Rosevi l Ie, y�ti <br />wall continue to xeceive notices. If you cio not own tp�e T�rorerty <br />in que�stion, you should contact the Rams�y t;ounty Abstract Clerk <br />to insure th;�t their records axe correctQd. <br />Your� truly, „ <br />/ , <br />� L��-- �'��� , , <br />�i <br />� <br />Richard W. 'i �ixnl i.m�l <br />'1i! laR� 1�9ana�er <br />Rt�'T/mp <br />