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� <br />� <br />� <br />Caseo 363-67 Coni in�red) <br />, <br />z�n�ng v��;th fi-�e pramise 3�hat fihe areQs c�urrently undsr �onsidsrat`►on vvUuld b� developed <br />wi'rh duplex�� is also c factar �o b� cons�dsred by 1''he Planning Cammissic�n and fihe C�uncale <br />5o Th� basic quest.ion is of �ourse (anc� 9he only ane un��er considercafian �fi this �irne) that <br />of the appro�riat� zoning f'or the properfy in question. in ouc opinic�n, the dev�fapment <br />of dupiexes �m the prcaperfiy in question doss not c�uto�mai�i�aily assur� the f'inest r�sult4 <br />The quality �f such duplexes �n immediate conta�t wi��h the "R-3" di5trict �a�vid 6e a€ <br />sarne conc�rn. From tNie standpoint of fhe �eighborhoad in gen�ra) and fihe Village <br />as ca whole, another sQfution fhQt might we(I i�p cansid��red would 6� th� g�can#�ing nf <br />suff ici er�t varic�nce ta the "R-3" area to aG�ommorlate tk�� same numb�r af ur�i t�s in the <br />apa�tment struct�ures c�s wauld �e c�flov,�ec� with the townf�ouse scherr�e, and rhus retain <br />r� consiciercable portiQn o` the property in c�uestior� in open spc�ce c�nd p�rhnps a <br />recreafi;on �area, If al� of the trc�ffic ta t�he apartmeni�s w�ulc� fi�hen be arient�ed �nfi�ir�ly <br />fio Hc�mlin� Avenu�� fhis might r�vel! pradu�� the mesf am�nabfe and benefic�al program : <br />far the n�i�hbonc��o�f i�o the north, e�ast and south vv�t�� vvhich �+✓e must be acut�ly concern�d, <br />!f this p�roposa[ were �adequc�t�ly pursu�d �rr;fih quality design and firm conditions through <br />a vc�riance proposal, we suggest thA Commtssion cc�n�ider thi� apprcya�h with th� ir�i�ent <br />of praviding r�asonable developmen� on fihe part di th� appli�ant �vith maximum c:anc�rn <br />€or� the immediat� n�ig�borhood. <br />