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_ _ � , ._... <br />. , . .... . . . . ... . . . . .- . . ..... � . . � ��.. .'-�: ' A,.. <br />... � . �. ' .: . , . . . :• '�^£: <br />. . � � � . >..�.4� <br />; . . . . . . . . . .. � . . . 1 <br />h, <br />� •'.�° �' .�.t , <br />`�}, w, � '� p� <br />: . - _ , � :,; <br />� -�.,• � <br />.. . - .. <br />1�EZONING RE�U�ST Louis C. Schiavino � <br />543 S. Ouxxss o B1 vd. <br />St. Pau.1, l�inn. �5113 �:_ <br />� � � � _,��:� <br />Nm, 6 Le�a1 Deacript�ton� The Northe.zsterly 175 j'eet o,� tl�e Southu�esterly '�� <br />247 ��st o,�' Lot 10, A. K. BaTrwm�s Ga.rden Lots measured at r�dght ,;; <br />c�ngles to the Southrvesterly l�ne o,j' satd Lot 10. - <br />That ,part of Lots 9 and 10, A. K. BarnUm�s Gcarden Lots, 1y�ng <br />Soc�th�vssterly o,�' d l ine runn�ru,� Northrvesterly rvith ¢ Westerly inclu.ded - <br />an8�e of 7?° 00' to the Northrvester.�y 1 ine of Owasso B1vd. South, ;:� <br />,�rom a po�nt on the last ruvned 1�ne 3.54.54 j'eet Nor'theu,.gterly oj' �ts <br />�nterseetion r���h the So�zthrvesterly I�ne of sa�d Lot 10 and lying '' <br />Northea.sterly o,�' the Southwester�I�t 249 ,�eet o,f' said Lot 10. 4.51 �4c ,;�; <br />. more or 1ess. b�� <br />, :�:; <br />.. . . ._.r5��: <br />No, 9 I iica,ve aone same reseczreh on ctrea deve.lop�nent and have found <br />thect the bu�ld�ng o,�' apartments h,a..s tn most cases increased the rxilue of <br />surrounding propertb. This has been espec�czll� trtie u��th the apartments <br />- constr�ceted tn M�nr.eapol is in the Lake of the Is1es and Lccke Ca.Ihoun <br />' area. The ccrea �Gs today one o,� the mos� fashionable areas o,� the <br />� T�v�n Cities whereas 15 years agv it �s becorning somewhat of a blighted <br />� CtrBCL. <br />A,�'ter some pre.�iminczr�+ work w�th respect to replotiing the area to <br />res ident �La1 � t trxis j'ound to be impract �caZ du,e to the ,�011 ow�ng rBasons. <br />1. Roads and secaer and raater �vould luzve to be brought �n � <br />and charged against approximatel� 8 residential 1ots, 8 oj�'' `F <br />�hich �vould have no qreatsr ualu,e than czny ordinc�ry non Iake <br />shore .Iot. The �najority o,{ the cost rvould th�n have to be - <br />bor►ne by 2 1 ats at the Iake edge. The cos t o,� thesa ?�ta '�, <br />woulcl be prol�ltibt t tve and cou,Id not be devel oped �n the <br />foreseeable �ture. f:: <br />2. In order ta properl y devel op the area ,�or more s �regle <br />� unit residential �it would sti11 necess�tate to moving of <br />tu�o oj' the present bu�dd�ngs so thcct my present �rwes�ment <br />cccn be protected. This cost also u�auld hava to ba bnrne <br />by a snauZler number o,� un�ts. <br />In u�er� of the above ,�czcta I j'ee1 that the on1� practicdl ar�d <br />pro��tablg method oj' d6velop�nent ts to maltiple drvel3�nga rv�e�re the costs <br />may be dis�r�buted over more I�v�ng units. This exper�ment cot�ld be of <br />g�reat va�iue to �Che .Lake Oi�z;zsa area s�nce I have no knou�led�e o,f any - <br />, '.iake ��hare apartments in or near St. lkiul. It ehould, if successful, <br />enaottr�eige the deaelo�xnan� oj' Lc�ee Orrxasso property j'or var�ous or stmtlar <br />projects. Th�s �bo,pu.,iation increase �vou.Zd then agatn be re,�lected �n <br />more com�nercial hu�ld�ng. <br />-' No. ZO The neitghbors c�j'fected by this proposal are anx�ous to see th�s <br />deue�Inpment prace�d as descr�bed �n the vccrious documents subm�t�ed , <br />` herervi�h, Ta date we have encountered no object�or:s and Ynstead hav� <br />ga�»sd strong support for I fael that most peopl� are Iook�ng ta the <br />f�ture and c�an dpprectate the beauty oj' a�,�amp3eted project o,� this : <br />ruxittr�. .E�er�ona real i�es that th�e ahange rv�.Z1 enhance ths value of <br />a1.1 surroundin� propart�/ and open the south s�de of Lake Duaasso to <br />kacom�t�g orts o,�° 12cvnsey County's most beau.ti,�t.a1 area$. ; <br />, .; <br />.. . . �-•4 =; <br />. . �� . . . . . �� .. , . � .. . .. �': <br />� <br />� ' . . ' . . .. j,.�:,�t ,Y <br />' . . .�. ` ... �. ... . . . ._. <br />} .:.'.. .� i:..::: ":,.. ` '... . , . . � . . . ' � . . ._ _ __ .._ .._ _ <br />