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�_.:._ . , -.�a <br />GUID� '�'0; <br />RE(�UES'�' FO}2 UIVISION OF A PLA'�'TEI� �OT <br />V.illag� of Ro��villea �tinx�e�ata <br />Th�s guide is intended as an aid �.n completin� your� appYi�at�on for ditri�ion <br />of a p�.at�ed Ioto If after reac� this �u�.cie ancl tl�e extract of the Villa�� Cod� <br />£urriished youp you� st�.11 have quest�on� on comp.��t�ng the application call the <br />Insp��.tion Superintendentg �84-��`��� <br />APPL ICA'TION REQUIREP4ENTS <br />� <br />�'he fo�l�lowing ma�.�rial mta�t b� �.nclud�d �n your app�zcationa <br />lo �'wo copies of �he app.�icat�on form fully completedo <br />Zo �ur of a map s�l�owin�; the property Proposed to be divadedo 'The map <br />must show the exis�Ga.�g �a o ra h of. tJ ' <br />.t ....,�.,P,...�.,r�„P....Y .,.....�...._�__,����.�°r�Y.n,���.nc7,t more than tw� foot <br />����.�,�s��and"`�a'�I`""'�d�°��Yt�ageo ri�li��of��ray and u�ilities easements, '°'�� <br />�,., <br />�,,�°A'�'stractors certificate listang the names and addresses of th� owners of the <br />land wi�hin �50 £eet of tl�e boundary o t e property avisian as those names <br />a ear on tlae records of the Caunty Auditor of Ramsey County, �,,� <br />COMPL.�TIOI� OF T'H� APPLICATION FORM <br />� <br />T'he various sections of the a�pl <br />Se�tinn I, <br />section 20 <br />Sectinn 30 <br />Section 4, <br />Section �b <br />Section 6, <br />t-I�ARI�iG PROCEUURE <br />�,_-,,�._.,T. .,.. _ :,.. .._ _..., <br />. . . , . _ Y� . . �� <br />ation form should be completed as follows; <br />.v ���ti�� t� t� ��� � � ; �: .a �; � 1� r..��,5� <br />Self explanatory MICHELS CONS TRUrTI�N C�; <br />Self �xplanatory 2522 f�f�EfvNER STREET <br />Self explanatary �`C. P�IJIV MINNESpTA 55113 <br />Enter the complete legal des�ript�on an ma e su i`'���`i"�"'�c ecta <br />Enter the Pr�seiit zoning of the property (R�lp B�1D etc,) <br />The owner of the prope�ty must date and s�gn the �pplicationa <br />A public hear�ng is rec�uixed be�fore the Plannir�g Commissiono The hearing <br />procedur�e requires 10� published notice and mail.ed notic� to px°operty owners a�i�haa� <br />2�U feeto <br />When the I'lanning Commission �ompietes it� h�arin�; a recommendation xs forwarde� <br />to the VilZage Cauncilo This recommen�iation will be consadered at the next regul�r <br />council mee .in�, <br />VTLL•AGE CODE PROVISFONS APPLICABLC TO UIVISION OF A FLATT'Ep GOT <br />200�40o Variatians ancl Exc�ption�, In any case in which the compliance with th� <br />provisxons o�t�xs ap�er wil invobv� unneces�ary hardship� and failure to �omp�y <br />does nofi anterfere wa�h tl�e purpose nf �ucli plattinF ���u�ationsD the Vi11a�e Coun�i�� <br />may waive suCh �omplbar�ce by the adoptian of a resolution to that effe�to <br />Fo� ar► ownex� ox° subd�ti�xder to di.vide any t.ract nf land under rh�.s sectiona he <br />shabl fiAe w�th tlie Vi�la�;e Council four �4� copies of a plar� s}aowing the �ra�cg an�d <br />propos�ed divi�iono <br />20014.5�o Proc�dure for Var�ianr:es � Any applicant for a��e pu��uant �o Sec�aoa� <br />20a i40 �ha��' �.omp y wb�'t�e�pxocedure for trarianc�s �o the Zoning Cod� as set fo��h <br />a�n S��xgon 1.�0040o excep± the Plann�.�� Gomm�.ss�.an sha..11. not hold a public hearin� unti� <br />the Publ�� IVorks U�.xe�'�:or� su�mits a wri�ten xepc�rt on i:i1e sffec� of �he var�iance on <br />r1.rr�ir�a��: o <br />