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.`, il� ; �, . t ' �x _ � t+. " , _ 'ry , l}"sa'i''.,�y e <br />h f u ` ` <br />b f <br />. c : � � . . ; � i:�` . <br />� ' . . � : . .. � �� " .: d <br />4 . - . . . - ' . � . . . � . .A�.:'.. <br />r� 1�� . . � � - . � <br />; �' , . � . ' � .. <br />�. �lll$g@ COW1C1� <br />'` ERQM;` George Membrez, Secretary Planning Commission <br />SfJBJBCT:, Rezoning Sauthwest corn�r Lexington Ave�nue and County`:Road'D � <br />`f�rom R-1 :to R-3 - Cyril. Sheehy, 360 W, Larpenteur Avenue <br />�� , <br />,,, <br />� 1'ki�s. r,equest had bo�n considered at the Planning Comrnissic�n meetix�g <br />,. . . . . . . .. . :� �, f.� <br />of, Jwie 3rd a�d recoYarnendations made to the 11i11age Council o� <br />�i . June `5�h.� , These recammenda�Cioris were based on the bui.lding pl.ans ,' ;:, <br />; by the :peti.ta�oner am that date:. Fiawever, it was learnec� �t�ie bu�:lding � � r <br />>,; plans :subma,tted to the Council had been c�::��ged; thus; requa.ri,ng a� , z <br />se'tl�ack�varxance on;Lexin ton Avenue and does not con£orm to. <br />� . <br />; g <br />;, ' <br />�,: t, recom�n�ndatipns mad�; by the P�.annirrg Commission, <br />u : ; , ,.;. . _. ,,. <br />^ ,� <br />,� , Sozke Moved� Andersan S�conded, that the cor�siderati�n �f.the ; ' <br />'` �: be: pns�Cpaned until such time tMe County Board resolves their p�:an of:� . � <br />CI <br />`�', `'; , acqu�.ring the subjeci proper�y for Jos�phine; Park; and that we �ndors� {: ,` r; <br />�h� proposal, o� ,.the Rams�y Caunty Board "to� exte�d. Josephine Parl� naxth ' <br />�ta; Cnuiity: Road� D and east to Lexington Avenue. T1�is was a.unani,mous� .�. �; <br />'' . <<. <br />x:, vote. , � <br />� <br />,; �: ; <br />f r '�., r�; <br />i <br />` ' Au�ust '� 6 j 1964 <br />,;, � <br />�; <br />� .; <br />}� ` cc-Cyri1 E.. Sh�ehy <br />r�i S' James P. Ne1San <br />,, t �: <br />jx ..; ', , � •: ; . . ;: .' , <br />�; <br />;:, � � � � � <br />, <br />t� <br />�' f <br />, � <br />r,`' <br />'i� . , <br />,<.,, �' <br />' `= <br />,e _ `; <br />- - .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . - r <br />_ � �. � . . � . � . i ,! <br />. . . . _. , .. `,t <br />�+; <br />,'..+ - . . . � � . . � - , . <br />� � . � � ' . .. � � - <br />.i' . � . . . � . . . . . � �. � . , <br /># :'... . .. . . � . - � � . .. . . <br />t,p . � . . . . � . � , �� � � � <br />�:;i ... . � . . . . . ', <br />.I . � - . � � ' � . ' � . � j i <br />:;i' � .i' . . . . . � . � . <br />,�� . .. . . . . <br />'•� � . ' . . . ! <br />. , C �,. •- tIy, <br />Ai, ..r ,�iS.F.1at. ,�, ._� .. . . . , - ., i _ .. , .. -.. ,. , . . . . .,. . �. ._., c .. i�.e ..�.....,.d �a.1c,ur:t�rctia�Sti.k�'kJ!•a�l:i"ux�FCXi$`a�l:'if\"' <br />