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T i <br />. � .. ..... ................. � ......... ... ... . <br />rs <br />�q,��, ......::. <br />'. � , �.Ai� ��� �� � ��OMM�wasf�Mwae��.�►�wsl��we��yrs�w�rM-4ae�rr�O`M�MO�wlPi���Ya�4�wY#�ii�w��i'i� . <br />................. ........... .............. �....................... ...... ............ .......................................................... ............. .................................� � <br />�. �� ••.•-���►!�,.. ), as Earnest Maney, and in par# payment for the purchase of the followirtg descxibed ppmperty <br />` situtrted in the county o# ...... `;' <br />.......... .. ... .... ..............and State of Minnesota, viz: : <br />� � � � �� �� � � ��6 �� �� � � �t�v �� � s� �, �a� �►� �r� �j�� � e� ��'. <br />7' r�C� �a� ��� �� +���y �E3 �� �� �+t�+ �� �saee+�s i�� �� �� ��e �fll� �e ����; <br />t ' �� �t r� ���° � � � �!� �� t��� i�►��, �lw� i�� � �t � t� � <br />r :t � � �� � � ,� �;� �a +�e � l��s � ��t � � t�, #� F� � �S �rt t� I�r�at �` �mt�+� � �;� �&� <br />��� �'� � 1.� � Zr4 �� �a�!' � 1� it�i �� 1I��� �� �� �` : . �1�� � �i � <br />. Y; which ....!�a.:... have ,,; ugh RAHN RE.A.LTY CO., authcrized agent, sold ar�d agreed to co.z��ray 40 �sid <br />.... ...'�'.��..:�.�► .��`.�a..:�.•...... ... .. . <br />t j ..... �.. . . ...... ............................... ..................................................... a.... ..a:... .a���... ; <br />�: <br />fC?P` �1ri '$L1J,�1 flf. ...�'� � ' ... . ..���o.: ��...�.. �k��� «..... .o . .. .. .. � �.. �r �!.�" U�1C[I'!3r • �' N <br />� � � ... . .. .. . . . t�. �wi�..�, � <br />Fl <br />� a� #,�rms cz�s foiIov�ic �z::. .. �d..�..wa►��.� , ,. <br />k<Y . I . R.M,!tT.RT:Ri4.N.Mt►.'/!�9.4.w!r.Vl1R.Na.4l�FA.V�f'/JN.RN.MRfI'�I3N'A.0.b.N'0►iMP►W.IR/i:YA�P ��. <br />A ' . �-� . . � . . <br />, MDMY�YF'�M�4��AIlW4Q!m'I�FO`MF�eA1MA1.T..�.��.T.�[`l.�r«.Y��4-, «,� Dallars ($1��.�... ..), in� hand paid �cxs c�bo�►a. e�n+d ' r <br />.. «.��;..,Y,.T,... <br />'��� � ��'� . ' <br />�rs� . .' �'� �'17+f�i t�i`ZAQ ���� (���1�:'q�a�.� �� � /4� �,�t � � <br />��,; t�� � �ik �� ��nr ��ID,� o�i� �v �� ���l�+v�3 � +��4lt.�.�rr � <br />��"A' ':�. 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'iC�e+� �� � �y! a�����a� �� � pa� ��.� t�� �dsu� �,d p��*�� �� �� <br />�r' t�� � A� p ! r+� &�� t►� �+e �+� i�� �, ].s�t�t �a��b 1 � i �► 1 ��. �"ur�h��c i � ��s �Y $ � � at� �q�i'� <br />� +�wd � � �a ���+� �sa� i�Y � H 1 s�i d ����#t� it� ��, t� �a� �ro�� 13�� � 8� r <br />��� � ����� �,. <br />�� <br />" ' A.nd it is agreed that if the title to said premises is not c�ood and cannot be made good within.. .... ���..,.....days t J <br />:� � <br />; iram date hereoi, this agreement shall be void, and ihQ above. ..��.. ��'�., �� �����p---•-�A,�;�,---;• ,�� <br />. ,,. .. ................ . . . <br />Uollars i� .,. I��.i� .) xefunded. But if the title to scdd remises is now ``�' <br />p good, r�nd in the ncmle of th� $i <br />vendor..�, or is made good to him within .... .1,'�d..,..,.days, and said purchrxser refuses to ctccept the sam�, saad ��� <br />�t <br />. ••�6r•.�t�'�..�d .���,�Q�--.K„�-M-��M.�.��.w�•...�•�ollars ($ ...i�'%.�1Q .. ) shcsll be forfeited to ths ver.dor. , <br />But it is agr�ed and understood by a;l parti�s to this agreement that said forfeitura shall in no way affact th� ,� <br />right of either party to enforc� the specific perlormance of this Cnntrc�ct. ,,;;,; <br />It is especially understood and csgreed that this sale is made subject to approval by the owner of said pre- <br />mises in writing and that the undersigned RAH:1 itEALTY CO., agent, is in no manner liable er rPsponsible nn ,:;'. <br />account of ihis agreemer.t except for the ret�arn of said earnest money as herein provided. <br />��� � � RAHN REALTY C �� <br />190_j,,81o. Lexi qton Av . St. ul 3, A�fi , �; <br />� ��. / �, / '4 <br />! -� 1 ? <br />B ,,� . <„!° .. .... ... ''t�:,.. g ; <br />y � � .. . :�(�.. ..... .. A ent. . <br />- �; <br />I }�ereby agree to �urchase the said property lor the price and upon the terms above mention- �;# <br />ed, dnd also agree to the conditions of ferfeiture and alI oiher conditicns therein e.cpressed. `s'� <br />r�3 <br />;i:5 <br />�� <br />....... . . ............ ............(SEAL) r�y�� <br />Cyr i �... F.� .. �1�a�!�►;, ,�'.� . ... <br />,�.. <br />; ..... .............. . . � ' '._.......... <br />: �� <br />......... .............................. .(SE�.�:� � : <br />�� <br />' ,....:.b�:........ the undersigned, owner of the above descri ed land, do hereby ratify the above sctle and.�: '" <br />• _ , ,� <br />agre�uient: � � }, � . <br />, . ../. �...t, t �SEAL) �.,'� <br />_ _ <br />�4 . � � �� ' � � ' 'S Vjt.�fE'h' k.Jelit <br />/.l�.a ' ' � - : �,�, y, Ai o^7'.� <br />'�sr�" -t v .� '� � �� - - �� t ,� '�`a v��� -- .e�� � �� ��.��� <br />7a-��1d;'::ht ..� . ..� .... . .. ' ... , . .-" ' .. � ,��:� . �'.--� , ,. ,�' ,. ' ,. •� . . . , , _ .. .�+% _.. , , . . Y . f,t � h � _T*4 ,., ._c .� _ . _ ._ _n ' _. .. .. <br />' �. <br />