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� <br />i� <br />� The Villagc Plt�n as pr�s�ntcd in fihis report is based upon the assumption <br />that apartment buildings wiil bc dcv::loped in significant numbers. <br />Suggestcd l�cations ar� n��ted c��s,:whcrc in this planning report. <br />lJ <br />C . Land Us� <br />' Th;. citics; villag�s, anc; �owns ��1= ;�mcrico have, For thc� most part, <br />bec;n 6uilt parc:�l-by--parc�l over a long peried of fiimc. The total <br />results F�avc: hc.�en th� product of many privat� and public decisions <br />� made on a day-to�-day basis wiPhout !a�nefit of a gencral dEvelop-- <br />ment plan. During t!�� y�ars sinc� th;; �:nc� of Warld War II, haw- <br />ever, it iias b:�comc gen�rally rccognized Phat a far superior co�n-- <br />� munity can oc� achicv;:d if th:; de�:ision rnakers hav� a plan to serve <br />as a fram::worl< f��r mal<inc� d�cisic�s as thc:y affe�t the way land is used, <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />r-� <br />i'Il <br />u <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />As urban lif�: has b�com� mc�r�; compl�x, it has becomc incr�asingly <br />evidenfi tnat co�»muniti�s must plan �`vr th,� :,�`ficienf and proper us� <br />of thc land. In ac�dition to prot;:cting privat� investments, planning <br />is need�d tc� avoid unn�cessary publ�c exp�nse caused by inappropriate <br />land us�:. In the abs�nc�� of compr�h,��nsive land use planning, there <br />is no way in vrhic�i individual citizens can b�; reasonably confident o� <br />thiir invustm�nt and the way in whic� land will b� usc:d adjacent and <br />�car fio th�ir propc�rty. Likewisc, pu�lic ��fficials are at a disadvantage <br />in that utili�`i.s, strects, sc��ocls, and �ther public facilities <br />and s�rvic..:s cannot bt pr��grammed and u,,vcloped prop�rly withoufi <br />somc indicafiior ��f futur� lanC us�. <br />Nrior planning r�p��rts hav,.� indicat��� fi��at thc �xisting land use s�f-- <br />uation is far irom idual in Shor::viuw. Based upon current and pri�r <br />analysis of land us.: conditions an� trends, a�ro�,csed land use Qlan <br />i5 containcd c{s.:�����i:���: in this pla�ning rcport. <br />Economics <br />Excc�pi in Vi:fV' 1'Gf�: and uniqu�: ins�anc�s, th;; primary justificati�n <br />for an urban s�fifil��n�;nt consistsof econamie fac�ors. Very f�w com- <br />muniti�s ��cve '�;;�n �,stablished in ;h.: abs���c� of economie activity in <br />which tn��-�: is a�:;mard f�r c�����rs ar.c� s�rviccs. <br />