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� � � <br />�N � <br />. <br />", <br />4 <br />�y <br />i'� <br />;# W' ly at an angle to the ri�ht of 95� 30' a distance of 215 feet; thence <br />!� at an angle to the right of 90° and 15' a dist�tnce of 17� feet; Thenc� <br />� at an angle to the r ight a f 62 ° and 05' a d is tanc� o f 211. 80 fee t to <br />� <br />�{ point af b�ginning. <br />��� Apparent rec4rd owner: Philip M�rtin, Jr. <br />`� * * � <br />`� Barnum's Garden Lot.s described as follows: <br />g, ;� ��t part of Lot 17, A. K. � <br />?�Comnaencing at a point 93.72 f�e� S. of the NE corner af said Lot on the <br />l��'ly line of said L�t, thence S ly a�.ong said E. line 278 feet; thence <br />�� W� ly at an ��ngle to the right of 95 30 a di5tance of 215 feet; th�nce <br />!!at an angle �o the right of 90 and 15 a distance of 178 £e�t; thence <br />� at an angle t4 the right of b2° and 05' a distance of 211.80 feet ta <br />; point of beginning. <br />�� Agparent record �wners; Frank Martin and Sessie Martin, <br />�� hu�band and wife, (as joint tenants). <br />� � __.,... * � * <br />9. j� Lot 1, Lake O�wasso Villa,, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />,a <br />i�� -� <br />:� Apparent record owners: Gordon B. Fenner and Lorraine M. �enner, <br />'� (as joint tenants) , <br />� � * * * <br />Rf <br />10 .� Lo t 2, Lake Oc�as so Villa , Ram$ ey County , Mi.�ne so ta . <br />� �1 �� � <br />' ' ` Tol].efson <br />�Apparent ��cord � owners ;, Caxl 0. Tallefson_; and; Luanna A. L. � <br />. husband and wife ,'(as j oint tenants ). <br />�� � �' ;' , �` � * <br />ll .�, Lo t 3, Lake Owas �o` Vi11a ,' Rams�ey ' County , Minne so ta . <br />� <br />� Appa�ent record owners: V�.�'gil E. Quesnell and Lucretia M. Quesnell, <br />' husband and wife, (as joint tenants) . <br />_ � ;� �c <br />�� <br />� <br />' ly ing E' ly o f a l ine <br />1�. �� Lot 4 and that part o� Zot .�, Lake �?wasso Villa, <br />� described a� follows: Beginning at a point on S'ly line of said lot 5, <br />� • ce N 1 174 feet to a <br />�� distar�t 11 feet E' �.� of the SW cor�ner thereo¢, then y <br />� poittt 8 feet E'ly of the �'ly line of said Lot 5, measured at right <br />'� e�o• thence N'1 174 feet to a pa�.nt 8 feet E'ly of W'ly <br />�� �,ngles ther , Y <br />�.ine of said Lot 5 Yneasured at �igh� ar�gles thereto; thence N' ly 67.35 <br />fee� more or less to � point on N'ly line of said Lot 5, distance l3 <br />feet E' ly of �the NW° ly corn�r �he�eof. <br />Apparent record ownex: Netti�� F. Gorman. <br />_ � * � <br />�3� �Lot 7 of Lake Owas�o Villas <�nd L,ot 8 of Lake 06aasso Villas, save and <br />exce t that ortion th�r�eof siescribed as follows: C�.�mmenc�ng at the <br />P P <br />� NW'ly corner af Lot 8, Lake Owassa Vi17.a, thence NE�ly�along the N°ly <br />l�.ne of said Lot 8 for a distance of 40 feet; thence S ly tc� a poin.t on <br />� the S�1y li�.e of said Lat 8, 30 feet E'ly af the SW ly corner of said <br />� Lot 8, �hence W'ly along the S'ly line of said �Lot 8, 30 feet to the <br />�SW'ly carner t�ereof, t�ence Nt�y alor�g the W'ly line of said Lot 8 to <br />� th� NW�1y corner of said �Lot 8, being the goint of beginning, and also <br />�� tha't art of Lot 6, Lake Owasso Villa lying W' i.y of a line described as <br />P <br />follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on S' ly line of said Lot 6 distazt <br />1�.95 feet W` ly of th.e SEe �.y co�ener thexeof, thence N ly 120 feet to a <br />� poirtt 19 0 3 feet W' ly of t�e E' 1y line of said Lot 6, measured at right <br />�an les thereto, thence N' ly 116 . 75 feet �ore or less to a paint on N' ly <br />g <br />line of said Lo� b, distant 23 feet E'ly of the NW�1y corner tl�ereof. <br />That pa�t af Lot 5, Lake Gwasso Vitla, lying W'1y of a line described <br />as fol7lows: Beginning at a point on the S' ly line of said Lo� 5 distant <br />11 feet E'ly of t�e SW corner thereof, thence�l�'ly 174 feet to a point <br />�3 f�et E�ly of the �nT'ly line of said Lot 5, righ� angles <br />� thereto; thence N�ly 67.35 feet more or less �o a point on�N l� line of <br />_ ��Z (over) <br />� <br />