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� ' <br />.` <br />GUIDE TOe <br />REQIJES'T FOR DIVISION OF A PLAi'TED LOT <br />Village of R�sevilleD Niiiinesota <br />This guide is intended as an aicl in completing your application for divis�on <br />of a platted loto If after reading�onssonucom etingethetapplicatirr�n callatheCode <br />furnished youD you still have quest P <br />Inspectian Superintendenta 484�33°%la <br />APPLICA'fION REQUIRE[��NTS <br />T}�e following material must be included in your applic:a�ion< <br />�,�; 'Two copies of the application form fully comp�etedo <br />�' 2, our copies o f a m a p showin g the pro perty pxoposed to be divided, The map <br />must show the existing topogra ph y of the property in not more than two foot <br />contours and all draina�eD right=uf�way and utilities easementsa <br />3, Abstractors certificate listing the names and addresses of the owners of the <br />land within 250 ieet of the boundary o x e prope�ty ivision as those names <br />app��ar on the recorcis of the County Audi.tor of Ra.msey County, <br />COMPLETION OF 'fHE APPLICATION FOi2M <br />Th� various sections of the application form should be comp�leted as follows; <br />Section lo <br />Section 2, <br />Section 30 <br />Section 40 <br />Section Sa <br />Section 6, <br />Self explanatoxy <br />Self explanatory <br />S�lf explanatory <br />Enter the complete legal description and make sure it is correcta <br />Enter the present zoning of the propexty (R�lp B-lp etco) <br />The owner of the property must date and sign �he application, <br />HEARING PROCEUURE <br />A public iiearing is required before the P�anning Commissiona The h�aring <br />pa�ocedure requires 10� d� ys published notice and mailed notice to property owners within <br />250 feeto <br />1Vhen tiie Planning Commission completes its hearing,, a recommendation is £orwarded <br />to t}�e Village Councilo This re�ommendatic�n will be considered at the naxt regular <br />council meetingo <br />VILLAGE CODE PROVISIONS APPLICABLE 'i'0 DIVISIaN OE A PLATTED GOT <br />ZOo.140o Variations �nd Exce tions, In any case in which the compliance �'ith the <br />provis�.ons o� t iis apter �ill�involve unnecessary hardship, and failurc to comply <br />does no� inter£ere �axth t11e purpose of suclz platting regulationsr the Villags Coun�il <br />m�y waive suc}i compli,ance by t}ie adoption of a resolution to that effecto <br />For an owner or subdivider to divide ar►;� tract af land under this section, he <br />shall file wit}� the Villa�e Council four (4) co��a�s of a plan showing the tract and <br />proposed division, <br />20,145a k'roc�dure for V ariances� ,Any anpli�ant for a variance p�irsuant to Section <br />2Uo 140 s}�a�cotnp �-��y wit�i tlie proce�3ure tor variances to the Zoning Code as set forth <br />in Section 120040� excegt the Planning Commission shall not hold a public hearinR until <br />the Public ��orks Uireczor submits a wri�ten repc�rt on tlle effect of tile variance on <br />cirainage � <br />