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{ <br />�L3 <br />_. ��,..� -"4. <br />Applicants for Pl2r�nin� Cor�:mi ��sion �.ctions : <br />Dc�a.r Arnlic�nt: <br />i'our unc�erstandir£, o.f the nrececurE u�cd to process J�our arnlication ior a <br />�,�i.11 help �Tcu �r.c �zs r�ach �, c^t� �:».; nation on it as soon as <br />possi:�lc. ihe prccerure ;'ollot�-f.: is :��sr� �n coasic?er<Lle e�perienc�, T:ze purpose <br />is to insu_,P that 1;he necessary ini';;r:��at�or. is i� c-`:..h �:1-�.:_� �:: le and correct before the <br />Plannina Co:�:mission heari ri- �n t�e ::�atter o <br />T:�e for processin� �•o�;r �,�plic�tion tre�ks det:n into three major steps: <br />l. Corr.pletion of t��1e anpl� ca �ior: <br />2, RevieT�: �ait;l �he administrative staff <br />3c He�rinrs on aj:��1::uT,1.G21 �efore �he Planning Cor�.mission <br />� �.nc? Council <br />This procedure takes time. ?ian on 3t least u0 da��s ii' your Gcticn requires or.e <br />hearin� �nd 90 oa;; � if it require� �t�ro hearin�so <br />Cor��letion of. l�oblication <br />You taere given an at�rlicGtio:� for;n �.nc instr�;c;,ion sheet on E�'.OT�7 to complcte it, <br />Please r�ake sure y-our a��,li��atio;i is co�nlc�;�: �:nc ca:,i�lies ,�:ith instructions on <br />t��e instruction sheet� Tncom�lt�teness or. t�e �:nplic�t� on is u major sourcF o1' �elay, <br />RevieYa �.pplication wi th 1�drnini s�;rati�<<� 3�t�.ff <br />TQ insure your r. e�:itir�� is in t,�e " form ;,li �ecess�:•�� inf'or:�:ation for <br />cor.s�ceration is rresent, �:�e ao��:-�n�i:��r�+i:ve stG1'f c�rill r���ie��l it prior to its <br />preset�i� tion to �he Plunnir:�; Co:•,r:is��i on. <br />::'�7@I: ��OU rresent ;. UUT' cp�l� ] C;cxti'Jtl '•0 �.i?r� i�'i:� ?"?�' ��^ + � ; r t <br />lci. I'..�ec�c,,or ie i•.ill c�ec►c to s�e a <br />the applicatian � s in prorcr � or�:�s ih•a ?u �lcin�- Ic����f�ct ;r• ���ill then make �.n a�poini- <br />men� ior you �o mE�et �;ith t�;:=: Cor�:;� r.� Pl:�nrer, Viil:.^F :�iblic �;:cr•ks Di:�ector and <br />hirr�seli" on the nex� I'ridati� �::. .�•m�:r� 10:J0 :�.:•�o an� �� :OC.� :�Toon. This meeti.n� is very <br />importrnt so please i;e t"�rce <br />The Builc�in� Insrector _`'or�::� r,�: {. �:�» � i c� t o .:if� P�ar l: c.:or�cs Director 1,�ho <br />check5 f�0�' �'.17� f'Il�'1;1C'�'.I'1?1r; Di^�-fi�:`:':� 1.?� ;�'0'.:T' L�?"O1JOS�1.� ::'-.:� :..':Z� �iCCl12"�1Cj' Of �four l��al <br />descri�tiono :�h1S C:Zi:CiC ?;'l� �. t.C' ';i„'c' '�1"it?I' �.O �; UlIY' Ci�'! � ..'.�('�;�;P. SO t�tcit, y('l.% ���ay �ie <br />ini'orri�c? i;:med=atel.ti- ef .�i�3� correct��anr :r .,n,: :�dciii.on�:1 in�'orriat:.on ri�crssar,y-, <br />The I::u�.ldin� Inspecl,o� al:;c� .f'oi•�,�;�r,'. ,, our ���o,�. o:� c�,;:�:c�r:�::` p to tile Attoz~ney's �,ifice <br />f'OT' a ch�.ck to S('C' i.":�� j'0'.i !;F:Vft .:: �„Q' ..,i' ,'.�'t' ,- -;?i!''.T'C:�+; 11. '�:li� T;,"0��; r'tj� t0 I'BQI=@S� <br />t}l�? uCt10r :Ll: �'Qul' ��T' Z�C..,,��1;'.. <br />mfi <br />