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�� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />May 3, 1967 <br />CASE: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />� <br />LJ <br />38U--67 <br />Target Stores, I nc � <br />1515 West County Road Q <br />North of Caunty Road B, South of Appl�baumb Sup�rmarket <br />ACTIC7N REQUESTED: A�proval of Special Use Perrriit to install gasoline pumps <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATlONS: <br />1. The sketcf� at tH�e left indicates the location of �he �roposed gasoline dPspensing <br />statian to be construc�ec! in the parking lofi east of the main entrance on r'ounty <br />Road B south of the Applebaurrb Food Market. The proposed station would take <br />up the space r,ormally occupied by 40 cars in the parking (c�t. Attached is a <br />statement from Target5tores, Inc. indicating the nature ofthe request. <br />2. You wi Il note that according to the figure s�bmitted by the applicant that <br />the parking space provided for the Target Stores and the A�nple64umb Su{�ermarket <br />are adequate i n relati onshi p to the mi ni mums requi red i n the ordi nance. Notwith- <br />standi ng this, however, th�ere i s some questi on as t� t he adequacy of the parki ng <br />servin� the area. There i� a generally known adverse parking and circulation situation <br />i n the Target Store arecas at snmeti mes duri ng the shoppi ng week . So as ta verify <br />th� extent of this condition, we conducted a short survey of the area on Saturday <br />morning Apri I 22, Counts were made at half-houri.ntervals in �iarious portions uf <br />the parking lots c�ff�cted. The sketch at the ieft indicates the parking arec�s by <br />letter A through E. In addition we took cour�ts on Commerce $treet and the <br />Uncie John's parking lot, which also seems to get a considerab�e amount of Target <br />Store parking use. The re;ults o�' the survey are shown on the attached ta�le, which <br />ind�cates the number �f cars that were parked in the various areas at the time indicafied <br />or� the left of the table. <br />3. You wi II not� fihat the numbers of cars parked in Area E(th� proposed location o�' the <br />gas station) do not nearly approach the capacity of the Int. This would appear to <br />indicate that the (oss ot the 40 spaces would not have ad��erse effect. Hawever, <br />you wi II recall that the weather o� Sa'rurday was extremeiy c�ld and generally <br />adverse. Thus, we may not have surveyed a pec�k parking day, We therefore propose <br />to conduct additional counts on the next week�nd, the results of which will be <br />available at the Planning Commission meeting. <br />4. The development designs have been submitted with the application and would <br />nppear to consist of a well—designed minimal service facility. There is, however, <br />a question as to the effect that the gas station would have on turning novements <br />and traffic patt�rns in the area in general. These factors wi I( be more fully reported <br />pending our s��rveys during the weekend pi�or to th,e Planning Commission meeting. <br />
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