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�� <br />_. _ ___ ... — • r <br />�_- _ __ _ . . �k�� <br />� � . �. . r ` , r, <br />j;',� VC � � / 'w / .� 3, : <br />�LI� j <br />�^^'^1"f+._ t�� <br />Jt1l1E � � '� ��7 <br />I•�Ir. �ticl��ard �1. Turnlund <br />Vi117,�e i��na�;er <br />Vill��e c�.f Roseville <br />27Q1 I�i. Lexin�;ton Ave. <br />Rosevil�.e, 1�innesot�t <br />' De�.r P•�i . Turnlund : <br />� <br />J <br />. . � . ._ t �... <br />• . r}' +. <br />�� <br />� I refer to 011T Speci�.1 Use Permi� l�pplic�,tion for a gaa st�.t� on, <br />case number �IIO-G7o ' <br />The Plannir� Cor.�mission voted �.��.ins�; this requ�st at the June 7, <br />`�'1 t t d f r c nunendin dens �,1 of �he re uest �� <br />meetln��. ._ �e s a e reason or. . e o � . q <br />by �;he Coitncil, ��ra.s concern for �traffic con�estion on Couni;y Raad <br />�3. A�parently, the mer,�bers of the Pl�.nnin��ion considered <br />t�ie �ro�o�ed loc�,tion too close to County Ro� d I3. <br />Lac�:in� }cnawlecl�e of any other objeetions ,to the gas e�;ation, I�.m <br />��ro��osiil� �.n a,l�.ernate locatzorl in tre north�aest cor.ner of the <br />�ro�tx•ty to avoi� any po�sibility o!' creat�n� or increaea.n�; traffic <br />co:�,;estian. on Cotznty Ro.:�d I3. T}ie �tt�ched sl:etch ahtiws the contro- <br />versia]. location �nd th� alter.natc of1'ered. <br />a'�11S cas� com�s befvre the Council at �.11e June 12 meefing. I re�uest <br />, that t}-�e ^outicil f�.vor.ably con�ic�er referring this case baak i;o the <br />'PlPnni.1� Gom:�issioil,to review.our alter.n�.1;e location as a solution <br />to the objeci:ion of traffic con�estion, xather than cont�iciE�xin� <br />fiiz�l act-ioii in vieti� of the ne�ative recomm�ndation of th� Planning <br />Cor.unissio:i. � ' <br />Th<znk you for your cooper�tion on tnis matter: <br />Sin�,erely yours, <br />°`'`�3�:.5s� • � �-�.. <br />J� . es Hti Carroll <br />rK�n�.�er, Bld��. & Bld�. Scl*sf <br />JH C�1 r�� <br />E�closure <br />C� � <br />�� <br />�-� 1�--���� c�,�o . � <br />`�� �� � <br />� <br />,�'�r�, � � f.� � i .. <br />��l,����� ��������' �,��,�o (Q) 32 Sovfh l Oth dvenue, Hopkins, Minnesota 35343 <br />v� <br />