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• .. � � <br />EXHIF�IT I3 ( it�r� 11 � <br />. , <br />,=: <br />;;; <br />� <br />Tar�et Tnc, is re�,ucstin�; a speci�,l u�e per�i�t far construc•tion _ <br />of �. propes�d G�s Station. Locatio is �iver. in the accompanying plans, <br />essenti�.11y in the southe�.st �.�ortlon o.f the p�.rking lot. The general <br />layoui; of the area and style oi archit;eciure, includa.r.g li.ghtin� and <br />plantiti� of a divider island ar.e also �iven the attached plans. ; <br />The b�.s�c operatian of �his gas s1;atYon is the dispensing of gasolin�, <br />lubricatino oil a�d fuel and oil additives. The inventory m�.y also <br />incluc�e other iteras which are in eff'ect consumed in the vehicle such <br />as; wirdshieJ.d w, sher i'luid and anti-freeze. Tre auto;�otive department <br />in t,he �tc.�rc jar�per will CO21t]2'lUE' to i�3ndle aIl othei� au�omotive <br />supplies a:�d scrvices such as; tires and accessor�es; replir and <br />lubric�.tiat� service. <br />With reference to item 13 of the sper.ial use per.;�7it a��p3.xcation fo.r.m, � <br />� th�re 9s no anti.:ip:�.ted ef£cct on �r�ffic conditiona since tiiis ia <br />considered to be � c�pi:ive operation w7thin the existin� parkir.� lot. <br />The intc�d�d :ir��� of t;hc statian is �i:•or� the store cu3t�mers and r.ot <br />from the casts�l plsserby. <br />Thcre is r.o co�.^.pten:pl�tcd p1r!��; oroblc�� :� �. resull� of consti�uction <br />of the st,�ti�:�. It is locatrd in � little used �re�. Therc arc F�r�s�ntl;� <br />E�70 s�<ice� �:v�tiln4�lc in t�:«� lot. T!�c co:�st:-�iLt:ic:: af th� s�a�ion wi�l <br />el i('1. 21si t�' �}:� 0 f t::C'3C.' uC�Ri'�5 ��10� CYC".' �� �=::t1T'Ci1121, �O t�1C` i0I'�l2�Fi Cl"s�E:t7-� <br />l:r.}:�,d ;-y or�ii���r:; c, onl}• 7�;�'' s�z;.rs !�re re�uir�d. The �roas arep 4A <br />iiie c,taT�e, in�:7 �>>i in�; thc :�;t;�cT�::::*•'.:et �:�.1 �}ic� iin.���,�4rn�•c�-Autat:�ot i vc �cidi 4io:t <br />iq E'�9,7�� cY. f't. �rc� c�t�t�li.�.c�3 t?�e n::::'��r o� �•�rking ap:.ces. �'e�.ploy�c� <br />KOII�(i t�(' c1:�.''i`-f,T:r'C! Ll£rt' Oi� ;�X'w£C::�l�i 1:1:'_I.`�^C� afLT'i:�[l�; �0 :1Q: t�': iif1C� Cf.i£t�; Gi <br />8t0`,'@. <br />1t:C1't' 11�;1? ti �`L' .`.0 4:�;:1 :.'?U � f;;t`:. i.).•t:: "! r:':".� � f'i i�^?1 Q.1 i.:.f� 8LI1l:;�,UY'C <br />i tLcl f� IC:C'1 �1 rj'_':Z; 1 L F3:; %ti`�f• ;�'.'Oj>i.':':;� O:` ii.�'t;C,�i .C�•�-:�T'C: ��ia*.. <br />