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u <br />L: J <br />May 3, 1967 <br />CASF: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION: <br />� <br />380-67 <br />Target Stores, I nc . <br />1515 West County Road B <br />. ;�. <br />North of County Road B, 5outh of Appiebaumb Supermarket <br />ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Special Use Permit to instal! gasoline pumps <br />PLANNII�G CONS{DERATIONS: <br />The sketch at the I eft i ndicates the locati on of t�he proposed gasoli r+e despensi ng <br />station to 'oe constructed in the parking (ot east� nf the main entra�ce an County <br />Road 8 south of the Appiebaurrb FoQd Market. The proposed station would take <br />un the space normally occupied by 40 cors in the parking lot. Attached is a <br />statement from Target �tores , Inc . i ndicati ng the nature �� thp request . <br />2. You wi II note that according to the figure s�bmitted by the applicant that <br />the parking space provided for the Target �tores and the Applebaumh Su.permarket <br />are adequate in relationship to the minimums required ir the ordinance. Notwith- <br />standing this, however, there is some questi on as to the adequacy of the parking <br />serving �he area. There is a generally krown adverse parking and circulation situatian <br />in the Target Stare areas at sometimes during the shopping week. $o as fio verify <br />the extent of thi� � c�ndition, we conducted a short survey of the area on Satvrday <br />morning Apri I 22. Counts were m�de at half-hour i.ntervals in various portions of <br />the parking lots affected. The sketch at the ieft indicates the parking �reas by <br />letter A through E, In addition we took counts on Commerce $treei� a�d the <br />Uncle John's parking lot, which also seems ta get a considerab�e amount of Target <br />Store parking use. The results c�f the survey are shown on the attached tabl�� which <br />indicates thP number of cars that were parked in the various areas at the time indicated <br />on the left nf the table. <br />3. You will note tl�at the numbers of cars parked in Area E(the proposed location of the <br />gas station) do not nearly approach the capacity ot the lot. This would appear to <br />indicate that the loss of the 40 spaces would not have adverse effect. However, <br />you will recall that ths weather� on Saturday was extremely cold c;,� generally <br />adv�rse. Thus,. we may not have surveyed a peak parking �lay. We therefore propose <br />to conducfi �additional counts on t�ie next weekend, the results of which will be <br />available �t the Planning Commission meeting. <br />4. The devel�pment designs have been subrriitted with the application and would <br />appear to consist of a well—designed minimal service facility. There is, however, <br />a�uesrion as ta the effect that the gas station would have on turning movements <br />and traffic patterns in the area in general . These factors wi I� be more fully reported <br />pendi ng �ur surveys duri ng the weekend pri or to the Planni ng Commi ssi on m�eti ng. <br />