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C� <br />� <br />SS-� <br />SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS <br />TOLSTAD'S ROSEDP.LE ADDITIO�, <br />ROSEVILL,E, �iINNESOTA <br />DIVISION SS - SANITARY SEWFRS <br />SANITARY SEWERS: <br />These ";;p�cific Requirements" ar� intended to supplement and modify S�c�ion 24000 <br />�f thz Stan�ard Sewer Specifications contained herein. It is intend�d that those <br />sections of the Standard Sgecifications not specifically referred ta �:�rei� shall <br />apply for the pi:•o��ct in their full intent unless modified or� �applemented t;erein. <br />Materia:L • <br />Pige - All pipe ��" in d.iameter sha1J. be V.CoP�, A,S.T.M, Designatior� C-�2C10 <br />(extr�i strengGh), exc-ept where shflwn on plans. � <br />; <br />Material for risers shall be 4" Vo�,P. conf�rming to A:S�T�M� Desj.gnation <br />C-2Q0 (extra strzngth�, exc:ept where cast irc�n sail pipe is specif�isd. <br />Cast ix•on soil pipE for servic�s where specified, shall be 4" in size, <br />and ext.ra heavy weighc� <br />Wye bran�hes for clay pipe shdll be a 4" wye or spur and of the same <br />strengt.h as specifzed for the pipe, <br />Manhole l��ames and Covera -All manhole frames and covers shall be as stated in <br />Section 240Q2,11 and shal.l be similar and equal ta Neenah Foundry Company`s <br />R-176Q B axid shall have. a cotal weight of at least. 435 Ibs� <br />ManholP Steps � A11 manhole ste�s shall be casr iron as stated in Section <br />24002,13C and shall. bE sirr.ilar and equal to Neenah Foundry Company'� R-1980-I. <br />Manholes - Manholes st►all be prec.ast concrete manhole� as state.d in Section <br />24002,14�, except where shown othercaise on the plans. <br />Joints - ror joints in clay pipe the use of res�lient factory-fabricated <br />jointing connection in accordance with A.S.T.MF Designation C 425-58T is <br />required, eicher Type I, II or IIl, <br />CONS'TRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: <br />SS-2.1 Excavation and Trench Preparati;n - The attention ot Con.tractors is directed to <br />Sections 24055.1; 24055,2; 24055.3; 24055:� and 24055.5. Trench widths must, in <br />all cases, bP held to a ma�;imum width oi �wo feet (2') gr�ater than the outside <br />diameter of the pipe, measured at �he r.Lp of the pipe, The �rench bottom shall <br />be hand graded to confozm t_� �he conr_our ot the �utside of the pipe and the width <br />of such formed trench bott�m sha11 be at least one-half (1/2) the inside diameter <br />of the pipe� <br />SS-2.2 Stabilization or Pine - Crushe�l rec�c (porous buckfill) shall contorm to riHD 3137 <br />CA 1, Payment therefor shal7. be per �ubic yard of material so placed <br />